This is not bread, it's cake.
This is not bread, it's cake.
I don't see a single slice of bread in this picture.
I don't know what to tell you, but a debugger is usually shipped with an IDE. If your IDE doesn't ship with a debugger then that's an issue completely independent from any OS that you're using. When I write C# programs in Visual Studio, I use the Visual Studio debugger. When I write games in Godot, I use the Godot debugger. When I write games in Unreal, I use the Unreal debugger. When I write Web Applications in IntelliJ, I use the IntelliJ Debugger. Your use case just seems extremely strange.
That being said, I'm sure there is a tool out there that does what you're looking for. I'm just not sure you should be looking for it.
Agree with the sentiment against signal. However, Matrix is terrible for anyone who doesn't want to bother with reading up on several hours of information just to use a text messenger. I will start recommending Matrix the moment someone actually manages to produce a feature complete client with usable UI/UX.
You mean like a code debugger not in VS Code? I mean... IntelliJ offers pretty amazing built-in debugging functionality. And as a bonus, they're located in Prague, so you're supporting a EU company by using IntelliJ.
Need For Speed - Underground 2
Kann ich so unterschreiben. Hab' dieses Jahr endlich auf ne 4070 geupgraded und bis jetzt nur insignifikante Performance-Einbußen gegenüber Windows. AC Mirage, Enshrouded und Cyberpunk laufen alle auf hohen bis sehr hohen Einstellungen mit ca. 100 FPS.
Wenn es doch nur eine Möglichkeit gäbe, sich eine Regierung zu wählen... Ach ja, die gibt es. In diesem Sinne, selbst schuld. Die haben sich ihre CDU/SPD-Regierungen genauso gewählt wie jetzt die AfD. Ich hab' keine Lust mehr dieses "die armen unschuldigen Wähler"-Spiel mitzumachen. Das ist ekelerregendes Nazipack. So sieht's aus!
You know, I actually think it's the miniblocks datapack for Minecraft. That's the only "mod" that is included in every single world I play in. Every other mod in every other game is kind of optional, but I'll never play Minecraft without miniblocks ever again. Not that I use them a ton, but they singlehandedly managed to actually get me exceited for the wandering trader again!
Bitte nicht BSW. M.M. nach profitiert die Linke grade massiv davon, dass sie dieses Putin-verehrende Krebsgeschwür losgeworden sind. Die BSW soll bitte einfach den Einzug in den Bundestag verpassen!
Some of my personal favorites which are missing
And also quite a lot of Ubisoft games including entries in big series such as Assassins Creed.