[-] XM34@feddit.org 2 points 3 hours ago

Some of my personal favorites which are missing


  • Vermintide 1 & 2
  • Darktide
  • Pioneers of Pagonia
  • Space Engineers 1 & 2
  • Deponia
  • Transport Fever

And also quite a lot of Ubisoft games including entries in big series such as Assassins Creed.

[-] XM34@feddit.org 3 points 2 days ago


This is not bread, it's cake.

[-] XM34@feddit.org 3 points 2 days ago

I don't see a single slice of bread in this picture.

[-] XM34@feddit.org 5 points 2 days ago

I don't know what to tell you, but a debugger is usually shipped with an IDE. If your IDE doesn't ship with a debugger then that's an issue completely independent from any OS that you're using. When I write C# programs in Visual Studio, I use the Visual Studio debugger. When I write games in Godot, I use the Godot debugger. When I write games in Unreal, I use the Unreal debugger. When I write Web Applications in IntelliJ, I use the IntelliJ Debugger. Your use case just seems extremely strange.

That being said, I'm sure there is a tool out there that does what you're looking for. I'm just not sure you should be looking for it.

[-] XM34@feddit.org 5 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Agree with the sentiment against signal. However, Matrix is terrible for anyone who doesn't want to bother with reading up on several hours of information just to use a text messenger. I will start recommending Matrix the moment someone actually manages to produce a feature complete client with usable UI/UX.

[-] XM34@feddit.org 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

You mean like a code debugger not in VS Code? I mean... IntelliJ offers pretty amazing built-in debugging functionality. And as a bonus, they're located in Prague, so you're supporting a EU company by using IntelliJ.

[-] XM34@feddit.org 7 points 2 days ago

Need For Speed - Underground 2


I know, commenting is bad because it signals interest, but still...

[-] XM34@feddit.org 1 points 6 days ago

Kann ich so unterschreiben. Hab' dieses Jahr endlich auf ne 4070 geupgraded und bis jetzt nur insignifikante Performance-Einbußen gegenüber Windows. AC Mirage, Enshrouded und Cyberpunk laufen alle auf hohen bis sehr hohen Einstellungen mit ca. 100 FPS.

[-] XM34@feddit.org 7 points 1 week ago

Wenn es doch nur eine Möglichkeit gäbe, sich eine Regierung zu wählen... Ach ja, die gibt es. In diesem Sinne, selbst schuld. Die haben sich ihre CDU/SPD-Regierungen genauso gewählt wie jetzt die AfD. Ich hab' keine Lust mehr dieses "die armen unschuldigen Wähler"-Spiel mitzumachen. Das ist ekelerregendes Nazipack. So sieht's aus!

[-] XM34@feddit.org 4 points 2 weeks ago

You know, I actually think it's the miniblocks datapack for Minecraft. That's the only "mod" that is included in every single world I play in. Every other mod in every other game is kind of optional, but I'll never play Minecraft without miniblocks ever again. Not that I use them a ton, but they singlehandedly managed to actually get me exceited for the wandering trader again!

[-] XM34@feddit.org 8 points 2 weeks ago

Bitte nicht BSW. M.M. nach profitiert die Linke grade massiv davon, dass sie dieses Putin-verehrende Krebsgeschwür losgeworden sind. Die BSW soll bitte einfach den Einzug in den Bundestag verpassen!

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