For the record, she was, probably, past that. My wife was born at 20 weeks, over three decades ago.
Why would you be faking it?
What evidence do you have that you are trans?
What evidence do you have that you are cis?
Do you want to be trans?
Those are the starting questions?
Welcome Fabienne! That is a lovely name.
I came out and started my transition over a decade ago. It's been a wild ride from marriage equality here in the US to the current climate of fear.
I hope your journey is as rewarding as mine has been. I have a wonderful group of friends and family that supports and affirms me.
My dad fell out of my life a couple decades ago and hasn't made much effort to be a part of it since.
I think it's great that you are spending time to learn about your daughter's.... Queer forrunners? Whatever we are to her.
Truly, I hope she doesn't really need us. Supportive parents gives her the best chance for that, I think. I hope that by the time she is leaving school and building her own life and identity, being trans is just a tiny part of her, and barely even noticable, because the fear and the barriers that we face today have fallen away.
I hope she learns about trans day of remembrance from a history book, because we don't need to hold it anymore.
I doubt it, but I so desperately hope that's the world she grows up to explore.
Hi Evelyn. You can call me Dee.
I'm a redtugee, looking for a new home, liking this community.
Blahaj zone has grown by a factor of 10 since I joined.
Last week.
So I'm hoping things stay friendly and positive!
I like the change.
Your dreamong brain came up with some beautiful wisdom.
I'm trying to kick start a game of new WoD Hunter.
I am also hoping to make this a new home.
Blah haj.
Thank you for reminding me about Blo hi.
I've done it twice. The second time, I asked for a waiver of the court fees and it was granted. So it was just the time.
I'm planning to do it a third time, because I've gotten married, and we want to combine our last names. I will ask for a waiver of the fees again.
It doesn't hurt to ask, so long as you don't lie.
I became more extroverted. More social, more outgoing. Being able to be myself is delightful, and my old quiet bookish persona doesn't fit me anymore.
I would expect significant change to be normal, mostly expressing ourselves in ways that didn't feel right before or ways werl didn't allow ourselves to in the past.