Pretty sure I've seen this exact comic posted on acememes
Me when I cracked… "This isn't even the most dangerous decision you've made this week. Place an order for thigh highs and let's see if we can aquire skirt without it being delivered to the house and without having to interact with a teller in a way they'll realize what I'm buying. If we're still alive by friday we'll go rollerskating in said outfit"
Aye, that be why I condone traumatizing them
Honestly I think my highschool life would have been completely unbearable if I gave a single fuck about what any of those eijits thought of me.
about 12 hours. after being awake for 36 hours of course
If you've been PC gaming on windows for a long time (a much longer time than I have actually) you'll have beef with Nvidia. You'll remember what they did. You'll remember when they released a driver to specifically break PhysX if there was an AMD card installed. You'll remember them consulting with game studios shortly before the release of certain games just to put yandere simulator toothbrush levels of too much polygon in certain scenes to make sure their cards benched favorably in said games. You'll remember a shit tonne of things like that they did. From an end user's perspective, a fair amount of users have a chip on their shoulder for one thing or another that Nvidia did.
you just have to relearn the muscle memory. You'll get there :)
I too feel like I haven't earned womanhood. Not from lack of harassment, I grew up neurodivergent and redheaded. But there's some other X factor I feel like I'm missing but can't put my finger on. Nope, you not alone.
Speak for yourself. Bees are an invasive species given an unfair advantage through their alliance with humanity. If they aren't native to an area, they are a pest that competes with local pollinators and drives them toward extinction