[-] SorryforSmelling 13 points 5 days ago

to be fair, this is the image the center parties have and upkeep. I, as a farly left person, already question if this seperation to right extremism will still be upheld in 4 years. Our Center-right partie CDU falls more and more for populist rethoric, which reminds me of the republicans or the toris.

So what you have been told is not wrong per se. But there is a significant amount of people in the country and politicans in the parlaiment, that argue the seperation between right exremism and center parties did already collaps behind the scenes.

[-] SorryforSmelling 24 points 1 week ago

OP is a troll. see the account is very new since all former accounts of that user recently got instance banned at least on blahaj.zone. Not sure if they are just very confused, maniac, or actual alt-right, all i know is no point in engageing with them. this is my advice to block them.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by SorryforSmelling to c/explainlikeimfive@lemmy.world

I am not american and have only a brief understanding of their procedures and stuff. I heard somewhere that this situation is similar to what lead to nixons resignition. I am just very confused to what the accusations, plans, intrigues ect. are.

[-] SorryforSmelling 34 points 1 month ago

"Jemand, der auf einer Pro-Nazi-Demo war, würde man auch nicht Lehrer werden lassen."

Du meinst wie björn höcke? Der verbeamteter Lehrer ist.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by SorryforSmelling to c/godot@programming.dev

Hey, i want to learn how to use the godot game engine to act upon my game design dreams.

Only Problem is i never used a game engine. I have limeted experience creating games in dosbox with python.

And i am looking for fun beginner challenges that i can finish within around an hour! what do you think i should do in godot to learn the fundamentals?

For example: Create a character that needs to jump to win. Challenges of that sort. Hope to get some achivable, creative promps :)

[-] SorryforSmelling 17 points 1 month ago

if you dont mean to defend/apologise for musk. why did you even take the time to write this? As a german who studied the ns-regieme a lot in their life let me (and pretty much every expert on that issue who commented on that) tell you that this is a clear nazi solute. not greatly executed, the führer would have been dissapointed, but it features all the elements to that salute. as i suspect elon has a pr team, and 'educated' himself on the holocaust in Oświęcim, id say it is impossible he didnt know and accidentally mimiced it in that detail.

submitted 2 months ago by SorryforSmelling to c/beginner_skateboarders

Two more hours of grinding it did the trick. I swear after a while, the skateboard became slower, the more often i tried xD I landet it three times in a row today!

submitted 2 months ago by SorryforSmelling to c/beginner_skateboarders

I would guesstimate thats about 3 hours of trying. Next goal is to land properly and to do it fakie without holding the rail

[-] SorryforSmelling 26 points 2 months ago

its not their job to educate you

[-] SorryforSmelling 40 points 3 months ago

not really. he withdrew because if he gets the positon a moral report on his person would become public. he saw the report and withdrew. wow i wonder what it says

[-] SorryforSmelling 18 points 3 months ago

he is scared of a moral report that would go public if he is part of the kabinet. so no he wont get any other positon, if he wants to try to lie the pedophelia away.

submitted 3 months ago by SorryforSmelling to c/misanthrope

I saw a comment of someone saying 'What if you don’t hate people, you’re just disappointed in people?'

And i think this is an interesting point! I would argue that beeing dissapointed absolutly fits the misanthropist philosophy. Heres why:

First of all i think it depends on what you predict will happen. someone who predicts humanity will do good, and then gets dissapointed, has little to do with misanthropy. But if someone got dissapointed so often and frequently, that they predict a disspointing event takeing place (yet still be dissapointed when it happends) fits the definition way better. Because expecting dissapointment from humans is a form of disliking humans. its a negative approach.

Yet i do see the contrary, for example in many writings by nitzsche, who certainly displayed great dissapointement in humanity, yet many say he wasn't a misanthrope. (and they argue it very well)

I would dissagree tough, and state that someone thinking like Nitzsche, who is dissapointed in humans, yet willing to help them and even sometimes is hopeful that individuals or groups can achieve greatness, can still in heart not be a fan of humans.

A simple comparison is, that i see the company apple do many great things. they contribute to open source projects, they (at least somewhat) fight the datacollection of google and microsoft. yet i dislike apple, for the inherant capitalistic company they are.

What do you think? Can beeing dissapointed in people be a reason to call oneself a misanthroist?

submitted 3 months ago by SorryforSmelling to c/misanthrope

I think everyone who followed the news last ~~year~~ ~~month~~ week can understand why this community is

submitted 3 months ago by SorryforSmelling to c/socialanxiety

Hey it is me the Mod of this Community. Phew, its been a hot minute since i posted anything. Just took a quick one year social avoidance nap (not that bad, but i had little resources left to be online)

A long time ago i did these General Discussion posts, where everyone could chit chat and share whats going on. I really liked that and want to bring it back. I wont promise to participate myself each week, such as we all should respect our social battery.

So lets here what happend in 2024?

[-] SorryforSmelling 21 points 4 months ago

Wrked in a bakery with a café part to sit at. the store was in the same building as a convinence store. Every now and then a middle aged woman with smeared make up (think simpsons make up shotgun) went to the convience store the came to us, to first use the toilett and the sit down and "drink" a coffee. at least that is her story. as a worker we all knew that she never drank the coffee, but instead drank those mini alkohol bottles in the toilett ( as if we didnt see the bottles in the trash). she usually gets punch drunk till closing time. but we let her since she obviously felt ashamed about drinking, and seemed to have a hard life as is. but as she got comfortable with the workers, because we were nice to her, she started to belive/act as if she worked there too when drunk. repositioning all the tables and chairs. takeing the toilett keys home and never return them, try to make us hang out inside the store after closing. and if you ever tried to reason with a drunk person you know there is no way. after we needed to call the police the second time just to able to end out shift, and close down, she got banned.

in a way i feel sorry for her, since she was never seen in the store again. these people make me want to be able to help. but i am not able and i get paid minimum wage to keep up with it :/

Should i watch Daima? (self.dragonball)
submitted 4 months ago by SorryforSmelling to c/dragonball@ani.social

I am watching all of dragonball on and off. I watch it chronologicly, finished dragonball, and just got through the namek saga of Z.

My plan was to continue this until i watched everything dragonball or die (whatever comes first lol)

But Daima get so much hype it kinda got me too. I dont like to be spoiled, and wanna experience the plottwists, new forms, ect. first hand (eventhough i obviously got some spoilers from memes and popculture)

Would you assume i can easily watch Daima aswell now, or could that ruin some moments i am yet to experience in Z, GT and Super?

[-] SorryforSmelling 19 points 5 months ago

ok this feels like a real hot take. but i am somewhat glad about this. in my country telegram has the reputation to be the nazi (and sometimes the pedo-) app. so i am not unhappy those people online activity can be used against them in court. That beeing said i can respect people who feel otherwise.

[-] SorryforSmelling 15 points 5 months ago

ereyesterday is the day before yesterday. as a german i am used to refer to two days in the past and future without useing weekdays.

[-] SorryforSmelling 39 points 6 months ago

hard agree. Das fällt für mich in dieselbe kategorie wie ein angriff eines nazis. es sind konservative xenophobe extremisten.


I see how that question might sound funny, but googleing, trying to find out what i feel i found this exert about a broken spirit:

"To "break someone's spirit" is to destroy their self-esteem, to take away their joy in life, their belief and joy in who they are"

And this got me thinking, because i dont belive i have such a thing. not meaning to sound edgy i am generally curious what your experiences are. I started depression quite early in life, and just thought thats normal life untill many years later (my parents dont belive in mental health. i am almost 30 now btw). i wonder if i might have missed some personal development. Normally i struggle enough to only life day by day. if i plan, i never plan further ahead than a week. and i never cared to define myself as a person. i would struggle to write a short description about me, that isnt just a listing of facts like, where i live, what i do, ect.

I also am suffering unde extreme anxieties, and belive to have some trauma thats not yet processed, if thats important to my experience here.

How do you experience self? is that a concept that can give you like joy and faith?

submitted 7 months ago by SorryforSmelling to c/asexual@lemmy.world

First of i am very sex repulsed. It triggers some trauma (i am very sure i am ace anyway tho).

Seeing people sexualising themselfs or others is the worst for me. it can literally end the day for me, because i have to stay in bed for the rest of the day trying to deal with the emotions. So naturally i try to avoid that. all my friends are very suportive. On the internet i obviously dont go to places where such things might be. today i way watching roadrage videos. should be save enough right? ofc not. because some people gotta but sexualising content literally everywhere. The otherday i looked for chess openings. found a guide who ??? sexualised the chess pieces???

i am just tired. nsfw already has the majority of internet traffic. cant i just have some small portion where i can feel save?

I know i am an extreme case but it just feels so darn isolating. i am scared of joining any discord server. i used to my partner check subreddits (thankfull lemmy seems to be less bad in this regard) before joining. the internet gives potential for so much community especially for an introvert like me. but beeing so very sex repulsed locks me out of those communitys right away.

Thanks for reading. I dont think there is help or a solution. I just needed to rant to someone.

[-] SorryforSmelling 39 points 8 months ago

just wanna add that it is easier to get them with testosterone. i think it makes sense to make that distinction here since there are literal cis women body builder who take it as performance enhancing drugs.

My new years drink (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 1 year ago by SorryforSmelling to c/cocktails@lemmy.world

This year i started with a variation of an appletini (i know its not the right glass but the next best thing i had :D) Sour but also sweet with the rim especially. Great experience that i'd recomend ^^

Ingrediences: -brown sugar for the rim -1,5oz vodka -1oz sour apple schnaps -0,5oz lime juice -0,5 teaspoon granulated sugar (in the drink)

I got this one from the book "Tequila Mockingbird" by Tim Federle

submitted 2 years ago by SorryforSmelling to c/socialanxiety

Heyyy, I am so sorry for missing two full weeks, and barely beeing online. Tl;dr: had a bad depressive episode. Yet i still managed to read all new posts and comments in the meantime. i apprechiate all you people very much, even when socialising can be impossible. Love to you all!

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