[-] OldEggNewTricks 9 points 1 week ago

Sadly the fridge is the only spot that doesn't get well above 30 C in this place. I have a crappy Peltier thing so it's probably only 10 degrees or so below ambient temperature.

[-] OldEggNewTricks 9 points 1 month ago

That is astonishing progress! (And encouraging? Why is everyone else so pretty)

Thank you for sharing <3

[-] OldEggNewTricks 9 points 1 month ago

Transitioning kinda sucks, and there's still a very long way to go. But every day I get more certain that I'm headed in the right direction, and I want more. Even if I am starting to look like my mom.

[-] OldEggNewTricks 9 points 2 months ago

Good advice.

Painting my nails was the first remotely fem-presenting thing I did (other than shaving!). Very few people even noticed. One of the people I work with, after I came out, said I just looked a bit more stylish than usual. The biggest response I got was paying at my local where the owner knows me well -- "oh, you've painted your nails" / "yup". And that was it.

Having said that, I don't have nearly enough courage to go to a salon or anything yet! Let us know how it goes!

[-] OldEggNewTricks 8 points 3 months ago

Totally. The "haha, memes" -> "wait, that's a bit too relatable" -> "oh noooooo" pipeline is real!

[-] OldEggNewTricks 9 points 3 months ago

Congratulations, and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

I'm curious what preparations were necessary (hair removal, stopping hormones etc), if any, and how long they took?

Thank you for sharing <3

[-] OldEggNewTricks 9 points 5 months ago

I'm wondering if that's going to change once I get on E. It's possible I just have (literally) thick skin.

[-] OldEggNewTricks 8 points 5 months ago

That's a very good way to put it; I know exactly what you mean. (There should be PSAs on TV for this kind of thing: hey, kids! If you experience this, you're probably trans!)

I've always (until very recently, of course) really hated buying clothes. One of the factors leading up to my egg-crack was my wife (justifiably) nagging me that my clothes were all falling apart and I really needed to get some new ones. She even very kindly offered to order some for me online. But I just... couldn't. The idea of buying and wearing this stuff wasn't something I could recognize in myself. And, at last, I realized that there might be something bigger going on.

[-] OldEggNewTricks 8 points 5 months ago

Hooray! Good luck!

[-] OldEggNewTricks 8 points 5 months ago

The label's in Chinese, but the internet tells me it's 60% Rayon. (I got it as part of my shotgun "buy everything cheap and girly on Amazon" experiment)

Now that you mention it, the collar might be why I don't feel too stupid wearing it. I'm used to seeing my face sitting above a collar, but the whole thing is obviously feminine which keeps the dysphoria at bay.

[-] OldEggNewTricks 9 points 6 months ago

You look so good, I'm jealous!

Thank you so much for posting the progress pictures. I'm facing losing a similar amount of weight as part of getting to where I want to be, and you give me hope.

[-] OldEggNewTricks 8 points 6 months ago

Hello! Totally get it about the body hair. Up until recently I was very anti-hair removal (anything cosmetic really), but now I realize that was just jealousy :P In the before times, I'd shave my pits every so often, but I didn't really know why and felt shameful. This week I've been taking long showers with a razor, and it's fabulous!

Since I'm new here perhaps I should share my story (I'll save the "so obvious in hindsight" episodes for another time).

T minus two years: Follow a link to Contrapoints for analysis on the alt-right, end up watching pretty much everything. Huh, gender philosophy is quite interesting.

T minus one year: one of Azul Crescent's comics pops up in the global Mastodon feed. It's cute so I start following. Wait, is this a trans comic? Probably shouldn't be reading this, but ...

T minus two weeks: strangely fascinated with the daily posts. Huh, so this is what trans women are like? Must be nice to grow boobs (SUPPRESS THOUGHT). Still don't really get the comic though, perhaps I'd better read it from the beginning.

T minus one week: aww, that's so sweet, wish I was like Cheryl (SUPPRESS HARDER). Oh, hey, she has a youtube channel talking about trans stuff. What's egg_irl?



Oh. Oh no. Oh noooooooo.

Today: egg fully cracked.

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