[-] MissGutsy 12 points 1 week ago

First of all, gender expression and being trans is a vast field. While there are a bunch of labels one can use and that fit for many, this doesn't cover everybody and their experiences.

Second, there are many forms of dysphoria, not all have to do with being uncomfortable in your body.

With understanding this and only having your description from this post, there are signs of both of this (at least some I interpreted that way while reading). As far as my understanding of the demi label goes, one only feels like that gender in certain situations or at certain times. If that is "on the internet" for you, then it isn't far fetched. While you feel comfortable as a woman, you also said you'd desire male genitalia, which even without any pain from it is still dysphoria. If you want to be perceived as male sometimes or just online, that's a form of dysphoria too.

I'd recommend to you to do some soul-searching and introspection to find an answer for yourself. It doesn't sound like you're trans-masc, but maybe demiboy, genderfluid or non-binary would fit you? Nobody can answer that for you though and it is fine for you to be something that doesn't have a label.

Now I would say it's kind of inappropriate to call yourself trans-masc online if you don't consider yourself that. It might be seen as appropriating an identity or pain you don't actually have. Many trans people suffer from their dysphoria and taking that label just for the optics is maybe not that nice (similar to how people pretending to be another race isn't a good thing). Connecting this to my previous point: many trans people do start out pretending to be another gender online to experiment. If it feels comfortable to you, maybe you should think about that a bit

[-] MissGutsy 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yes, but these are probably also an extend/criminal law implementation of this constitutional law. Also you would still break the law, even if you couldn't get punished for it. Something you don't want to host on german servers.

To contextualize my original comment a bit more and explain how these things work over here: you can already get sued for just insulting somebody. I remember a case a few years ago where somebody called a right wing politician a "Hurensohn" (son of a whore) and got his house raided by police. Getting sued (especially by politicians) for insults isn't unlikely in germany. The platform hosting that content can also get in trouble for it. OP apparently talked about a politician, who could try and sue in Germany. Since OP is probably not from there, the server owners will get in trouble instead. All that to say: this form of moderation is legally necessary in Germany. You can dislike this and I agree with you, but it's not something that's going to change. It doesn't mean that the mods are supporting fascism, as so many are seemingly claiming. Feddit.org is a rather left instance (in Germany we'd say "linksgrün versifft") and they are definitely not trying to shield nazis, they just try to follow the local law to prevent getting sued

[-] MissGutsy 2 points 2 weeks ago

Try to get to know her. Ask follow up questions to show you're actually listening. Tell her you are interested in another date afterwards. Stuff like that, even if it sounds generic

[-] MissGutsy 8 points 2 weeks ago

I did. That's the first article of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law) of Germany

[-] MissGutsy 10 points 2 weeks ago

Well, she did previously recommend and endorse "political activists" (transphobes) who then turned out to be huge nazis, white supremacists, holocaust deniers, etc.

[-] MissGutsy 6 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

It isn't. There was a story a few weeks ago of one getting pulled off the streets of england because it was missing required papers for imported cars. I'm rather sure it won't be able to get those papers because it's not considered road safe in europe. Let's go safety regulations and customer protections!

[-] MissGutsy 1 points 2 weeks ago

Don't these have such a high rebound rate that it is almost assured to happen? But sure! Let's put a million people on medication that they cannot stop taking.

This seems like some kind of advertising campaign for Ozempic and the likes. They are the only ones that will profit from that

[-] MissGutsy 7 points 2 weeks ago

I totally agree. Problem is just that he legally sold it, so he kinda fucked himself on that. It's also interesting to see how nobody in that situation seemed to have good intentions, just a bunch of assholes all around

[-] MissGutsy 1 points 1 month ago

The only metric that matters LOL

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