Congrats; Israelis are now tied with Americans as being the most despised people on the entire planet.
Washington D.C. I hope.
The remaining 10% is from the USA (no shit) and Israel (the USA's bitch).
I prefer calling them and Israelis monsters, but even that would be putting it nicely.
Same with Trump's own. They'll be screwed over by his policies, but instead of admitting responsibility they'll still blame others. This is the type of insanity we're dealing with. And after Trump dies they'll just elect another fascist ideologue more dangerous than him.
The USA lost its way over the years and has become the very thing it initially opposed. Similar to Israel when Jews who survived the Holocaust then committed a Holocaust on another group of "undesirables."
American - check Israel supporter - check Two of the worst types of "people" in the world.
And Netanyahu's as well. Fuck the USA AND Israel.
A country losing its way and straying far off from the ideals it originally strived for, becoming the very thing it fought against without realizing. That describes both the USA and Israel to a T.
It's not just him. The vast majority of Americans took a dump all over democracy by electing Trump a second time. They're just as guilty as they are.
In retrospect 4 July 1776 was an even sadder moment in human history. But nobody could have know what the USA would eventually become.