Kentucky is currently making "unlawful camping" punishable by death now at the hands of the land owners so double check where the bog is
How to get rich
Step 1: have enough money to buy assets
It's just that easy
Kiss his ass? No.
Vote for him because he's the alternative to a waking nightmare for a large part of my fellow Americans? Yes
Do I wish the system was better? Yes. And to that point I'm voting for the guy who still believes in government and rule of law. If I ever want the system to change, I need to vote for the party that is interested in governance.
If they vote for Trump they're a garbage human. If they abstain, they're a coward hiding behind "muh principles" while our neighbors have their rights stripped away.
Edit: fucking tankies lol
Butchered that meme like it was a 70s coed
Of all the reasons to drag this guy over a cheese grater, this one is low on the list. It doesn't indicate anything other than unfortunate ancestry.
Still hate this closeted fuck just for things he actually does
IDK what this is but you made it sound cool af
Moderate here means "don't worry, rich white girls will still have the choice"
Yeah let's get some of them middle eastern value instead so we can start throwing queers off buildings!
Single issue voters are myopic
Why aren't we more suspicious of the personality type that wants to work til they die at their post?
Cops wanted to go home. Cops can't go home till everyone leaves. People are staying because band is still playing. Cops throw tantrum.
I don't understand why we need to reboot everything. Can no one just write a completely new Terminator script? Or better yet, something wholly original?
I'm glad she thinks it's boring, because it is.