[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 4 points 13 hours ago

No one could predict the ramifications of dumping some tea in a harbour

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 6 points 23 hours ago

And the trade war begins. :(

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 4 points 1 day ago

super common in Sweden.

there are central heating plants that supply heat for whole communities.


[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 31 points 1 day ago

whats wrong? they're the same value no?

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 9 points 1 day ago

that's what they want you to believe.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 5 points 1 day ago

well, he's gonna be there a while then.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 6 points 1 day ago

magic stasis I presume

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 6 points 4 days ago

I don't have much faith anyone in power will care. Just not bothering with questions of legality seems to be their modus operandii.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 5 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I predict Elon Musk will be the next president.

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 78 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

America is too dependent on tech developed and operated by the american military?!

the fuck?

[-] FiskFisk33@startrek.website 6 points 6 days ago

Are you telling me california is the undying lands?

um, wut? (startrek.website)

Vilket land är det i såfall inte blockerat i?


I’ve been looking around, and with every vnc cliend I can find, when I press for example super+return, the vnc client gets backgrounded and the android “desktop” is shown.

Does anyone know of a client that actually captures the keyboard?


Reddit used to work like this but nuked it many years ago. I like it because it gives much more information about the consensus at a glance.

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