[-] Filetternavn 15 points 1 week ago

I really don't like it. That's a term that I've only ever seen associated with porn and sexualization, and I'd prefer not to be sexualized or objectified. I agree with you that I find it dehumanizing, and I really don't like being fetishized. I feel like anyone that would use that term for me is either a chaser or a transphobe, and I don't want to interact with either. And that's without getting into the whole Japanese culture talk, which revolves around traditionalism, heteronormalcy, and misogyny that makes it extra uncomfortable.

[-] Filetternavn 5 points 1 week ago

I agree with the shared sentiment here. Satire is great, and it has its place, but when the things the people you are satirizing are saying are on par with your satire, it's just depressing. Like, I can understand things being a joke, but it isn't funny if all it does is remind me of how, without the context, it would be impossible to tell by glancing if this was actually stuff said by these kinds of people. The joke falls flat when the joke is so close to reality, that it's just a reminder of how awful people truly are. I understand that people deal with trauma and misery through humor, but this is such a strongly sensitive topic, that the jokes about it in this capacity (at least with this execution) aren't funny. They're simply depressing. So personally, regardless of the satirical nature, I'm not going to go out and defend that community. There are plenty of people out there who wouldn't even think it's satire, and it could simply feed the cycle of hate they're a part of. I draw the line on humor when it can be used to fuel the very thing it's making fun of. The reliance on people being aware enough to understand that it's satire is a big flaw to me, especially given how widespread this kind of thinking is, and how close your satire is to the reality.

Just my two cents.

[-] Filetternavn 5 points 2 weeks ago

I've had it go back and forth my while life (at least that I can remember). I'm my youth, I mostly was male in my dreams, but had the occasional dream where I was a woman (and some dreams that really should have cracked my egg sooner). I realized I was trans about 9 months ago. By "realized", I mean that I had been thinking about it seriously for 2 and a half years (and had fleeting thoughts long before that), and 9 months ago is when I was finally confident that it was who I am. Since then, I have dreamt of myself as a woman much more often. I'm on hormones, and I don't dream most nights (always been like that), but its rare for me to have a dream where I'm a man nowadays, despite the fact that I haven't outwardly transitioned (only among friends and online am I presenting fem because of some life reasons that make it unsafe right now). I spend most of my time alone in my room, and I present fem to myself in the way I behave, in my mannerisms and such. I have spent a lot of time changing my voice, so when I'm alone, I speak to myself in my new voice, even though I never use it with anyone else in person. I've very significantly changed the way that I think about myself, and for me, that has affected my dreams significantly. That's not to say that just because someone else has a different dream experience that they way they think of themselves is differently than I do. Dreams are a really mysterious thing, and everyone has different experiences with them. They aren't necessarily representative of your real life, or your real beliefs or thoughts, though they can often be influenced by them.

But I think something that has actually had a significant effect on my dreams is how much I've been daydreaming since my realization. In daydreams, I'm entirely in control, and I imagine myself as the girl I want to be. I think that has affected my dreams significantly, and it's definitely influenced my conscious thoughts. I don't know if it's related, but now that I've gotten used to my voice, my inner monologue has changed. I've almost outed myself by accidentally using the "wrong" voice before because of it, but I really think that it's a lot of little things that have caused my thoughts and dreams to change.

I think it's going to be different for everyone. Just remember that your brain loves to use the same connections that it has used your entire life. It loves being lazy and ignoring new things when it can get away with it. Your brain controls your dreams, despite it not being conscious control, so it's likely to use connections from the before times when you are dreaming. That doesn't change who you are, and it doesn't make you any less (or any more) valid. That's just the brain doing it's thing; falling into patterns established when it was younger because it likes to be lazy about it.

[-] Filetternavn 4 points 2 weeks ago

Norway is wonderful for LGBTQ+ travel, pretty much everyone is able to speak fluent English, and the natural beauty of the country itself is breathtaking, even in the urban areas!

[-] Filetternavn 4 points 2 weeks ago


[-] Filetternavn 13 points 2 weeks ago

I can't help with pirating software, your options are going to be heavily limited because most people running Linux would just prefer open source alternatives (like Blender), so it's far less likely you will find cracked software specifically made for Linux (plus, there is a far smaller userbase). On some quick searching, I did find someone who had issues running Houdini in a VM (for multiple distros), but it worked fine when it was installed natively. I'm not seeing an entry in the WINE database for Houdini, so while you could always try running a Windows version through WINE, given the type of program it is, I highly doubt it would run without issue. I have no recommendations on how to get ahold of a Linux compatible version without a license.

[-] Filetternavn 5 points 3 weeks ago

I had a similar experience! When I first started questioning, I ended up concluding I was agender, but mostly because the feminine parts of me had been deeply repressed by childhood trauma and life experiences. It was probably 3 or 4 weeks where I was sure that's where my gender identity was, but that revelation came with a huge wave of dysphoria, and as I started presenting less masculinely, and explored femininity, I felt more and more like myself. I eventually hit a kind of breaking point where I realized that I was trans, and I've never been happier with myself after committing to it! I don't think of myself as agender anymore, but I related to your experience!

[-] Filetternavn 5 points 1 month ago

Because it's had stellar Wayland streaming support (with audio) for somewhere around 2 years at this point, is still way better in that regard than native Discord, and has a thriving plugin suite that lets you enjoy features the native app will never allow.

[-] Filetternavn 11 points 1 month ago

Lesbian here; I agree with the guys. Dating a coworker is a horrible idea. It makes the workplace uncomfortable regardless of whether or not things work out between you two. While you're together, it makes those around you less comfortable, and it makes it more difficult to get work done properly without being distracted. After a breakup, things get exponentially worse. Having to see and work with your ex every day would be a horrible experience for both of you, and it would obviously make things really rough at work.

On top of that, departmental policies often don't allow coworkers to date, so both of you would be at risk of being fired if caught if that is the case at your workplace. If one of you leaves or transfers departments, then by all means go for it, but I'd say it's a really bad idea otherwise. It's rough having to put feelings on hold like that, but don't fall into the trap of thinking this will be an exception to the rule.

[-] Filetternavn 10 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I believe the commenter was implying that DoS would be a more accurate description, since it does not seem as if the "attack" was distributed, but it is a nitpick nonetheless. We don't have the context to understand if multiple servers were involved that distributed the load

[-] Filetternavn 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I can't find specific listed support for this model through asusctl, but it definitely supports similar models. There is a very good chance everything with asusctl will work out of the box, and if not, open a ticket and they'll help figure out what would need to be changed to add support. asusctl supports stuff like fan curve control, aura sync (RGB stuff), throttling profiles, and GPU mode (hybrid/integrated/dedicated) switching, all in Linux. There is a GUI frontend for it that comes with it called rog-control-center if you don't wanna use command line, but it will have fewer features exposed.

You can find info about it at their GitHub:


UPDATE: Looks like in the compatibility list, the last letter can sometimes be omitted, so it does look like your model (G513QY) is in fact supported, as G513Q is listed in the supported devices list. That should mean most main functions work.

(Sent this update as an extra comment in case your instance doesn't sync my edit by the time you see this comment)

[-] Filetternavn 3 points 2 months ago

While I'm aware that sublingual requires a much lower dosage, and obviously oral has the disadvantage of liver strain from estrogen flooding, did you find data that actually empirically analyzes the feminizing efficacy of oral vs sublingual? Or are you just referring to the difference in dosage?

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