It doesn't look all that silent to me.
OSM is perfect for this. If you want a wider range of prompts, and you have an Android device, you can use - it turns every missing data point into a "quest" and gamifies it. It's really addictive when you get into it. :)
There are so many red flags in this message. Yeah, definitely a scam. Report it and move on.
This is fake. They do have names, but they are: L, J, Z, S, I, T, and O.
Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses.
Ancient Domains of Mystery is really really good if you can get into it. It's available on Steam, but you can get the free version which is identical except for the UI from
If you just want to play one game, Fitgirl's repacks are by far the easiest way, because she does all the setting-up for you. But if you want to play multiple games, you should be able to get them from the same places you get your NSPs. prod.keys and title.keys - I got mine from
For your consideration:
WordArt + Comic Sans =
(edit: This took me like two minutes in Powerpoint, someone please make something, anything, that's better than this, otherwise this is what we'll end up with)
My favourite is the one where he goes to the planet Aberystwyth to fight the Cardiffians.
I know I'm not the target of this question but I can't imagine tipping a hairdresser.