[-] Azzu@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The functionality in this script is indeed only possible as an addon or userscript. Browsers specifically spent a lot of work trying to make it impossible for one site to get any information about which other sites the user visited, and for good reason. Just imagine the phishing this would allow if it were possible.

That said, there could of course be an official lemmy browser addon/userscript for this functionality. But it definitely wouldn't be baked into the sites themselves.

Because idk if you noticed, but this script actually rewrites all links everywhere, so for example even if you get a result to some lemmy instance on duckduckgo, the link on duckduckgo itself will already point to your instance. Please tell me how that would be possible without an addon/userscipt :D

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Shameless plug für mein Script, dass Links intern gehen lässt wenn möglich: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/469273-lemmy-rewrite-links-to-home-instance

(wenn man eh schon so am Scripts installieren ist)

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

I don't think your assumption on how well I understand how the professional world works is correct.

I understand very well that signing any NDA is by no means "zero risk", it has a definite risk attached to it. Declining it is costly in some way, but also has definite advantages.

I also understand that very rarely is the phrasing ever "this conversation will be off the record", but rather some phrasing including the specific topics that may not be shared, like you say for example, product details. Blanket phrasings like this are always very sketchy.

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

"ich hab leider keine Zeit" meistens begleitet von "ich würde wirklich gerne"

Edit: ich merke dass ich am Titel vorbei geantwortet habe... Zu meiner Verteidigung, es ging mir am Anfang ohne Grund auf den Sack, hab dann erst später rausgefunden was der Grund ist :D

Es gibt zwei Seiten davon. Die erste Seite sind Menschen, die sich allerlei Zwänge von anderen haben auflegen lassen (Familie, Gesellschaft...), und diese ganzen Dinge weswegen sie "keine Zeit haben" wirklich nicht tun wollen und unglücklich sind. Das geht mir richtig auf den Sack weil es einfach so unglaublich schade ist.

Die zweite Seite sind Leute die nicht in so nem mentalen Gefängnis leben. Fuck this shit, jeder hat genau gleich viel Zeit. Was du wirklich sagst ist "andere Sachen sind mir momentan wichtiger". Es ist einfach so eine schmierige Art der Kommunikation, man sagt nicht was man wirklich meint sondern lenkt es auf was sinnfreies um, zur Konfliktreduktion/Gefühlsschonerei.

Ich finde in nem normalen Umgang sollte man so ehrlich sein wie möglich. Diese Floskel kreiert einfach absolut unehrliche Beziehungen.

"Ich würde wirklich gerne, aber ich hab leider keine Zeit" - es ist irrelevant, wie oft du sagst "wie gerne du würdest", wenn du deine Ressource "Zeit" nicht im gleichen Maße darauf verwenden willst wie jemand anders, dann heißt das eben, dass du nicht wirklich gerne möchtest.

Es ist halt absolut ok wenn man nicht möchte. Aber es ist meiner Meinung nach absolut nervig wenn man so tut als ob man möchte aber die Aktionen definitiv zeigen dass man gerade nicht möchte.

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I don't think it's even close to the same. It's more like forum software everywhere calls a post a "post" and a reply a "reply" and not something else.

Both sites are link aggregators, both sites have sub groups that are meant for a specific topic that links can be posted to, this concept should have a name.

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 6 points 1 year ago

Yeah honestly I've seen so many posts with multiple paragraphs explaining federation, while I've just been telling my friends two sentences like "it's just like reddit but instead of one website there's multiple independent ones (called instances) that all see each other's content. All content on all those instances can and should only be accessed through the website you signed up on, and when you do that it works basically completely like reddit"

This leaves out a bunch of information of course, but if they want more, they can always be confused and ask or look it up themselves.

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago

To be precise, they were talking about monthly active users in the post, not total user accounts, which you are talking about. Might be that their stats only count people who actually voted/commented/posted something.

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I mean, it's pretty easy to calculate, and you'll have to calculate it yourself because it depends on your area. And also what you mean with "decent wage".

  • Figure out your "decent wage"
  • See what your local tax rate is for one-person-businesses, from that calculate how much money you actually need to make before taxes to get your desired amount after taxes
  • divide by 50% (or 70% if you get the new deal) to adjust for twitch's share
  • divide by sub cost (5$) to get the amount of subscriptions needed.

So idk, 2000$ is "decent wage" local tax rate is about 30% so 2857.14$ needed, with twitch share it's 5714.28$, divided by 5$ per subscribtion it's 1143 subscribers.

But as has already been said, there are other revenue sources for streamers, so you don't need quite as many subscriptions.

[-] Azzu@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago
[-] Azzu@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


[-] Azzu@feddit.de 4 points 1 year ago

I mean in this case, you can decide between some theory based on no information at all but unaffiliated, or based on all information but biased.

There's still a good chance that the downtime is unexpected, downtime in general is never good for a site that earns money by people being on it.

So I think the "unexpected" case is still more likely than it being intentional.

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