[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 1 week ago

The problemo see with this construct is that it only benefits current actors. There won't be space for a new generation of actors.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 2 weeks ago

There's no point in not buying one day, people should permanently be switching stores to support good, or at least less bad, ones.

Last year Canada got pissed off at a grocer (Loblaws) for price gouging and a boycott movement started. It was kind of amazing to see the desperate lengths the company went to to try to keep customers, everything other than lower prices.

They gave (crappily made) trading cards for minimum purchases, their hired media mouthpiece insulted their customers (basically called them stupid so they may as well stop boycotting), introduced monthly loss leaders, and most recently had a scheme where if you buy enough, you can get pots and pans (for the cost, you may as well have just bought better ones, plus they didn't have stock).

Loblaws is nkw, IIRC, 14% down compared to last year.

Now Canada is pissed at the US over threats of annexation and tariffs. Buy Canadian Bye American has been going on a few weeks now, and while I'm sorry for normal American people suffering economically for the President's doings, it's been a boost to the smaller Canadian economy and suppliers. Long term it'll hurt both countries economically, but my point is finding permanent alternatives is how to actually send a message.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 2 weeks ago

About cars, and not necessarily designed poorly, but definitely designed by a man for men: cars that, by default, automatically, immediately unlock all doors when the engine is turned off. A man might be car jacked or robbed, a woman might be car jacked, robbed, or raped.

(Of course men can be raped too, but it's not as likely to happen by a strange woman threatening violence than a woman is to be raped by a strange man threatening the same.)

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 6 points 2 weeks ago

Why on Earth does this need to be a "console" with cartridges? A normal epub with links could achieve the same thing without creating additional e-waste.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I feel this so much. I got into stamp collecting, and I totally enjoy stamps and mail and all, but (old) people are so pretentious about it. The worst are the total hypocrites about it, too.

"I got into stamps when I was young, but I stopped when I went to university/started working/had a family because I didn't have time for it, and came back to it after I retired.

"Philately is supposed to be academic and scholarly. You're not a real philatelist if you're not doing original research.

"Young people just don't have the patience for stamps!

"The hobby is dying, why don't young people want to collect stamps anymore??"

Actually, a lot of people do and share lots of stuff online (where the old people are not seeing it and thus is not happening). We're just not writing 16-page papers about them (which is the standard a expected thing to do in "philately").

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 4 months ago

To my understanding, that's the way ancient Romans viewed it. For lack of more delicate and concise words, it manly to top, unmanly to bottom. Gay sex was acceptable if the sexual roles reflected their social roles.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 5 months ago

The thing that I can't understand about this product is why they didn't cover the function keys. They are literally functional.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 5 months ago

Don't take it personally, applying for a job is a game of chance as much as a game of merits. It's simply a numbers game and luck whether your resume even gets looked at in the first place, even if you're résumé how all their keywords. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of other resumes also hit their keywords.

If you're lucky enough to get through the first sifting and get an interview with the hiring person (not an HR screener who doesn't know anything about the job), then you can ask and maybe get a response on how you could have improved. (Don't ask why you weren't hired.)

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 4 points 7 months ago

I was really hapy for Wil to be included in Prodigy. I felt like Picard S3 snubbed him. Of course, his presence there would have basically made the whole season pointless, but they got everyone back together, including Michelle Forbes, but not him. And Grown Up Traveler Wesley was basically just an in-universe Wil Weaton, my friend and I both kept calling Wes "Wil" instead.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 4 points 7 months ago

I was so pleased for her, that she got to be immortalized in the show like that. I feel like that's something really special that this generation of Trek shows can do: really honour the people behind it.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 4 points 1 year ago

Mostly just Discovery and Picard is kind of halfway there.

SNW is a really fun watch once they've dealt with Pike's future (which they kind of really have to). Personally I like that they go for different genres, but I can see why some people might not like that if.

Lower Decks is a riot and a half and I think it's my favourite Star Trek, but it might be kind of cheating because it stands on the shoulders of all the other shows.

Prodigy is quite a bit different from the other shows, but it's full of optimism, hope, and friendship. It doesn't start out that way, they're all very suspicious of each other at first. They grow into it as they learn more about themselves and each other, and aspire to be part of the Federation and Starfleet.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 5 points 2 years ago

I've actually come to appreciate commercials after cutting Netflix. It's a set time for me to take a little break, and it's out of my hands. (I mute it too, of course.) Otherwise I could just keep watching on and on without a break, and that's not really very good for you.

I have no will power.

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