[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 28 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I had to tell a bunch of librarians that LLMs are literally language models made to mimic language patterns, and are not made to be factually correct. They understood it when I put it that way, but librarians are supposed to be "information professionals". If they, as a slightly better trained subset of the general public, don't know that, the general public has no hope of knowing that.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 29 points 2 months ago

From what you've described, it sounds like she's a straight forward and direct person, which is good. Just be straight forward and direct (but tactful) with her. Something like, "I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood the situation. I'd like to hang out as friends, but I'm not looking for anything more." Optionally, "We can have that drink if it's just as friends, but I'm not going to lead you on if you want something more."

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 22 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Excuses are "this is why I'm not at fault" and places the blame on someone or something else (including a circumstance). A reason is "this is why it happened" without trying to self-justify. A lot times reasons come across as excuses because the person has not taken responsibility for what they've done.

If a reason doesn't come with ownership of fault, it's an excuse.

Edit: see comment below about fault and responsibility

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 25 points 11 months ago

BBC series Merlin was a little like this. King Uther hated magic, Prince Arthur was kinda against it because he was told it was dangerous, but didn't exactly hate it himself. Meanwhile Merlin took a job as a servant, doing magic-y things to protect him. Wasn't a great series (writing), but it had enjoyable aspects.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 39 points 1 year ago

Netflix literally will not take my money anymore. I had cancelled my subscription during covid because money was tight, but I was willing to temporarily re-subscribe when the next season of select shows came out. I tried to re-enable my original account, but I couldn't because they wouldn't accept my credit card. I tried different cards, then tried to make new accounts with different emails and different credit cards, but still couldn't. Netflix kept rejecting all my cards. I ran out of credit cards.

Look, I was willing to give Netflix my money, it's not my fault they were unwilling to take it.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 22 points 1 year ago

I was sad because my friend was dying in the hospital. My manager noticed my demeanour and asked what's wrong. She asked me if I needed to be there, but I said there's nothing to be done.

Later that day I got a phone call from another friend saying it was the end. I put on my jacket and went to my manager's office. I didn't want to, but I started crying. She hugged me, got her jacket, and drove me to the hospital herself. (I didn't have a car then, I'd planned to take the bus.)

My friend died, and that was the saddest time ever in my life. But I'll always remember and appreciate the kindness my manager showed me.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 46 points 1 year ago

To summarize a long story, I (a millennial) put in a task request to a Gen Xer, including step by step instructions. I knew what to do, I just don't have access to do it.

Xer told me that was the wrong service, it's this other one, he can't find the settings in the Other Service. We went back and forth a few times, he repeated I was wrong, until finally he showed me a screen capture from Other Service that showed "managed by service 1" that proved I was right in the first place.

If he were willingly to accept I might know what I'm talking about and looked at the instructions, it would have been done in minutes instead of dragging it out over 11 days.

Obviously this is a hand picked anecdote, but yeah, bosses and non- boss elders definitely get in the way of productivity.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 35 points 1 year ago

The messages got from it are:

"the patriarchy" is not a good thing, but even the idealized "the matriarchy" has problems too, and whatever we have going on right now isn't really working

a man's value is inherent to himself, it doesn't come from a job or a relationship. (I suppose this applies to women too, but it was Ken who had to learn this lesson).

Men need to support each other more rather than compete with each other

Societal expectations for women are impossible to attain

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 23 points 1 year ago

Duolingo does have that function. It's much more obvious on desktop web, but in the phone app, you tap the notebook icons to the right of the headings. I mean, they're not necessarily excellent explanations, but they're there.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 33 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Get this: my friend is "not allowed" to be left alone with his daughter. His own daughter. If wife needs to go out without baby, baby gets dropped off at grandparents (wife's parents) instead of just staying home with dad. What's even more ridiculous is his profession is early childhood educator. He's more qualified than most other parents out there, male or female. I don't know how he puts up with being insulted like that.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 31 points 1 year ago

I'm going to play devil's advocate here: how is the guy on the phone supposed to know it really is the police on the other side and not just some guy trying to scam his way into a freebie?

You could say that companies should err on the side of caution, but then every potential customer could pull the same, and then how do you weed out the real ones from the fake ones?

You could argue the service should be free anyway, but then we'd be arguing a different point.

[-] Akuchimoya@startrek.website 37 points 1 year ago

I don't hate Google, I am deeply suspicious of Google.

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