Bunch of random resources people may find useful, will update this post as new resources come along. Mostly from Reddit, any posts have been uploaded as PDFs to read.
[ A Mixture of Different Resources ]
https://transvoice.party/ - a website that links to some more resources and talks about other stuff
https://wiki.sumianvoice.com/wiki/pages/getting-started/ - Sumi's wiki. It's got a bunch of stuff with her own spin. Though you can see roots in other things too. You might find it useful.
https://selenearchive.github.io/ Selene's clips
https://0x2640.estrogen.productions/1cnqqttn.pdf Some advice on getting started
https://cramdvoicelessons.blog/ Scinguistics' blog. Their takes are a little bit divergent from the general consensus at times but there is value to be found!
https://0x2640.estrogen.productions/symceraa.pdf Mimicry advice from Jana
https://0x2640.estrogen.productions/kcemii5t.pdf Some advice on practicing from Kin Maynard
https://0x2640.estrogen.productions/5ksjvuak.pdf The Voice Book for Trans and Non-Binary People
https://0x2640.estrogen.productions/zraqbvzv.pdf Introductory Voice Training Resources Version 2.0
https://www.undeadvoice.com/guide trans voice mega guide
[ Some useful Videos from Trans Voice Lessons ]
https://www.youtube.com/@TransVoiceLessons/videos Channel link.
https://youtu.be/oWmj73Ttp4E Learn to hear size/resonance better
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fylIX28mlyY Practice advice
https://youtu.be/rvet1PwCoGY An ear training live stream
https://youtu.be/imdM3Cea4NA Voice surgery live stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHyVNIcw_XI some common myths