ah good, lemmy hasn't changed a bit since i left it 2 months ago
welp see you losers next year
ah good, lemmy hasn't changed a bit since i left it 2 months ago
welp see you losers next year
Thankfully you left me this message so I can block you and never hear from you ever again.
It’s all of you.
Not me. I want the zealots all beheaded. Yea, what they're doing is illegal and I also* voted. But now it's chop chop time. I should start a website to get 15% of the population to agree with me on a specific day. Kind of like The General Strike. But with more axe.
OK. But what are you actually doing right now? What are any of us doing right now?
I'm talking to like minded people overseas about preparing resources to help at-risk people evacuate the United States. I'm also accumulating an emergency fund and arming myself. I will continue to masquerade as a cis white dude so I can move mostly unimpeded. I plan to help people get to New England as a staging point--it will remain RELATIVELY less dangerous than most other parts of the country here--where they might have a chance of SURVIVING LONG ENOUGH to cobble their shit together enough that they can legally get overseas from here without violating a visa and getting deported back to this shithole.
I will also continue attempting to practice the art of not tipping off the enemy by giving them any warning that I might be a threat to them. I must swaddle myself in the flayed skin of civility. I must smile politely and patiently to their faces. I must lull them into feeling safe around me. I must wait until their back is turned. And then I can personally drag them to hell by the neck. Hopefully when nobody else will witness it.
There needs to be fewer fascists in America. One way or another. I'd rather see them convinced rationally to peacefully change their minds and stop being fascists. If they remove that option, well, they get lie in the beds they've shat.
Couldn't have said it better myself. I live with someone who won't stop crowing about the illegality of it all. Like, dude, I fucking get it, but also these fucks were evil from the very FUCKING start and the rule of law is meaningless without anyone to actually enforce it.
Dem's aren't even putting in the minimum effort into pretending to be an opposition party.
They're gladly letting it all burn because they lazily expect it to mean easy wins in 2026. Then they'll manage to barely take the House and maaaaybe Senate, and literally do nothing with it.
cuz that worked so well this year. got booty clapped by a felon. utterly waffle stomped right back to the segregation days by this diaper clad casino salesman.
they're fucking done. they ain't participating in 2026 as anything but a joke write-in
Sooo when does a new sane party appear ?
Better than not voting and doing nothing.
The best would be voting and being an activist.
The US is not a democracy, it's a capitalist dictatorship.
Some Background: History conditions much of our thinking about our political systems and most Western democracies resemble Rome’s in 60 BC when, as Robin Daverman humorously says, three aristocrats–politician Julius Caesar, military hero Pompey and billionaire Crassus–formed a backroom alliance that dominated the elected senate. The oligarchs ensured that proletarii votes changed nothing and that the masses remained invisible unless they rioted or died in one of the elites’ endless civil wars. Two thousand years later, in Britain’s general election of 1784, the son of the First Earl of Chatham and Hester Grenville, sister of the previous Prime Minister George Grenville, and the son of the First Baron Holland and Lady Caroline Lennox, daughter of Second Duke of Richmond, offered voters offered a choice of dukes. Today, in many European countries (even egalitarian Sweden) ‘democracy’ is a mere veneer over powerful feudal aristocracies that still control their economies. American voters recently watched a former president’s wife competing with a former president’s brother being defeated by a billionaire who installed his daughter and son-in-law in important government positions and ensured that, as John Dewey said, “U.S. politics will remain the shadow cast on society by big business as long as power resides in business for private profit through private control of banking, land and industry, reinforced by command of the press and other means of propaganda”. Most Western politicians are related by marriage or wealth and have, like all hereditary classes, lost sympathy with the broad mass of their fellow citizens to the extent that, as American political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page found, ‘the preferences of the average American appear to have a near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy’
Okay, and? How does voting harm us? Not voting does a lot more harm.
If your democracy is staged like reality TV, then it does nothing.
Does voting in a capitalist dictatorship work? It got the US to where it is now. Doing the same strategy over and over again, when proven that historically things keep getting worse, should tell you that not only is it a pointless strategy, it's actively harmful because it draws energy into an electoral contest that does nothing to improve people's lives.
Bourgeois democracy is an elaborate theatre piece used to keep people distracted, and give them the illusion of choice.
Both voting and not voting have the same effect. Nothing. It is not a democracy and pretending you are in one does fuck all.
Explain again how voting and not voting does the same? I know the first past the post system is horrible, but saying that voting does nothing is disingenuous.
This is false, multiple presidents won more than 51% of the vote and lost. Your elections are decided by election riggers during redistricting. It is called gerrymandering. You live in a corrupt society that uses voting and a circus every few years to mollify you. Even if Kamala won, which was basically impossible based on how the districts were drawn, you'd still live in a capitalist dictatorship that would be every bit as bad as it is now. You would still be causing wars around the world, you would still have homeless people everywhere, and most people would still be living pay check to paycheck while she did absolutely nothing. Kamala Harris is a manager of capitalism, not leader in any sense. You have absolutely no vote or say in the people who run your country, the board members of Goldman Sachs, Chase, Citigroup, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and the rest.
You are free to participate in any kind of meaningless gestures and genuflection to make yourself feel better, but the US is a controlled authoritarian oligarchy with democratic window dressing and not a democracy in any meaningful way.
Look, if you aren't going to do anything else, you might as well vote. It's the best you can do. And even if you are active, you should still vote.
Laws mean nothing if the Dictator in chief can break them without consequence.
I'm starting to see people rile up, fortunately, but it's not enough. I'm going down to my states senate office with a megaphone and gonna stir some shit up. You should too. People are like lemmings, they won't act until you do.
Just try to tell them the parties are the same. I've been pilloried three times, they cut my balls off, and I'm set to be hung tomorrow at dusk.
Saying a simplistic, basic-ass statement such like "both parties are the same" is just annoying and not correct
Ok, but no one here said that. Thats a strawman liberals put up to avoid a few topics.
Those topics you'd rather not talk about:
Is all of gaza destroyed right now or not? Were tens of thousands of innocent civilians massacred there with our help on Bidens watch?
If you admit the above then he's a war criminal isnt he.
Bidens response to the defund and reallocate movement for justice was to ignore the plees and increase police funding, correct?
Did abortion go down on Bidens watch? Did his previous work as head of the senate judiciary committee contribute to that?
Didnt Biden carry through with his promise to the rich donors that "nothing would fundamentally change"?
Biden and Harris were not for gun control were they. Are guns just not a problem anymore in our schools? School shootings stopped?
Did the Dems talk about the issues important to the poor and middle class? They sure needed their votes.
Did Biden have the polling numbers to win at any time in the 2 years leading up to the election? And did Harris do anything to differentiate herself from what was clearly a candidate who was about to lose in a big way?
Did Biden/Harris even bother to craft and talk about a Dem party platform? All we heard was "I'm not trump".
Do you think if Harris had differentiated herself from Biden, talked about the poor and working class's struggles and afirmed that the gaza war had to change, she would have still lost? I dont think so. But she chose not to do those things right.
And now Biden/Harris lost but its everyone elses "fault"? come on man. Stop lying to yourself and holding a pointless grudge and leveling these "both sides are the same" playground name calling distractions from these truths. Biden and Harris made the choices that led to the loss. They are not victim here, they are the perpetrators. We all got effed by their incomptence and hubris. Every demographic of voter was angry at Biden/Harris. Do you deny that?
You shouldnt be blaming the desperate voters who have been ignored and abused by their party, while excluding Biden/Harris from any blame. Some of you lot keep saying he's one of the best presidents ever-- when all of the above topics argue pretty strongly otherwise, if you;d just acknowledge that the topics even exist.
But you wont. You wont reply, you'll downvote, and thats the end of it for you.
The issue isn't that the parties are the same. It is that neither should be in power. And you're all too fucking brainwashed to realize the only way out of this mess without violent revolution is a third party gaining power. And even with, probably.
You're ignorant or lazy if you cannot see the difference- even if it is a nuance . . .they are different. For easy reference just check the Internet for voting disparity between the parties. Give me your top 5 most important values and then see which party aligns with them. Most likely you will not be able to say - they are both the same when voting for or against the 5 values I hold in highest regard.
My most important values are: