To be fair, it's Russia.
To be absolutely fair, Canada isn't that far from Russia.
To be entirely fair, this still doesn't look like the kind of boat you should cross over to Canada with.
To be fair, it's Russia.
To be absolutely fair, Canada isn't that far from Russia.
To be entirely fair, this still doesn't look like the kind of boat you should cross over to Canada with.
I don't know, depending on the exact route you barely ever go more than 10 miles from land. As long as the weather is alright I could probably consider kayaking it if I had some time to prep for the trip. I know people kayak way more distance in a day but I would probably split it, sleep/rest on one of the diomedes. Looked up the currents involved and its not much of an issue based on a live map right now even for kayaking. So even a fairly small boat should be perfectly fine.
I guess it depends a bit on how much if any effort is put in to stopping people crossing the border. can tell she's a real lesbian because it was their second date...
yes ;(
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