The Dark Knight
The Empire Strikes Back
Empire Strikes Back.
And if you're into "it's so bad it wraps around and becomes hilarious" films, Troll 2.
People who grew up with the original will probably flay me for this.
Bladerunner 2049 was a better movie than Bladerunner. It took everything that was great about the original and improved upon it.
The original is a masterpiece. That said, I loved the sequel and have rewatched it multiple times. However, I don’t know if it is because I love the film or just anything Ryan Gosling is in 🤤😅
Didn’t catch that one. Any good?
Certainly my favourite Gosling film. It's one of those movies with a lot of ambiance; if you watch it, don't doomscroll at the same time.
The elevator scene is so beautiful.
Oh wow! I’ll have to give it a go then. ☺️
if you watch it, don’t doomscroll at the same time.
It's sad that you actually felt the need to tell people this in a movies community. What a time we live in.
The first movie I saw with Gosling was Lars and the Real Girl. I didn't get his appeal then, but I do now. I should watch that movie again because as weird as that movie is, I think his performance is stellar.
I agree wholly. He’s just so handsome and talented to boot.
Knife Guys™ is so freaking funny too.
I guess I will need to rewatch 2049 again (I've only seen it once, in the cinema at release). I've watched the original quite a few times since though and I'm increasingly of the opinion that it's quite overrated and gets heavily carried by the visuals and the soundtrack, so I could see a case being made for the sequel being better.
It is great.
Shrek 2
You know what, thread closed. What a perfect movie.
Godfather 2
Paddington 2
Bending the rules a bit here. I know it is not a true sequel, but it's part of a trilogy. Hot Fuzz is better than Shaun of the Dead. Also, except for the second film, I think the Mission Impossible series just gets better with every entry.
For a while, Mission Impossible kept getting better, but Dead Reckoning was absolute dog water and it killed all my interest in the franchise forever.
I know it is not a true sequel, but it’s part of a trilogy. Hot Fuzz is better than Shaun of the Dead.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree here.
I liked MI2 better than MI:III
it's been a while since I've seen them, so I can't really remember why.
About two years ago, I watched all six, as there were then, over the course of a couple of weeks. For me, the second film stands out as being the weakest.
I think I need to watch Dead Reckoning (formerly part 1) again as I was slightly disappointed seeing that.
I think Dead Reckoning is a good, and poignant, concept, but I think it suffers from weak writing.
It suffered a bit from the same issue as the video game Uncharted 3, where they wrote the action set pieces first, then wrote the story to fit them together. I'm not sure if that's what happened in the writing of Dead Reckoning, but that's how it felt.
Overall I still liked it, and look forward to the next one, but it isn't as strong as the previous 3 films.
Evil Dead 2, though it’s arguably a re-telling vs a sequel.
I don’t think there’s a better movie sequel than Terminator 2. It’s the reason why it’s still an ongoing franchise today.
Would people still watch the first Terminator if it wasn’t for Terminator 2?
I like Terminator 1 a lot more than T2.
It's much more grim-dark with horror elements. I would even go as far as saying there are subtle cyberpunk motifs in T1. There is also a modicum of character development. Michael Biehn (Kyle Reese) does a great job.
T2 feels more like a teen's summer action movie in comparison. It lacks that edge and is overly sentimental.
I will note that growing up I liked T2 a lot more than T1.
Wrath of Khan
Mad max 1 was a revenge cop story nobody watched outside Australia
Mad max 2 was the apocalyptic Mad max everybody know
Godfather II. The first is honestly kind of hokey and people are really stupid when they are trying to be clever. GF II has higher levels of tension and the execution of everything is smarter. And Robert DeNiro just slays playing young Marlon Brando.
Short Circuit 2
Dune, Part Two
I was going to say terminator3 but then I realized you were serious.
I'll have to say Escape from L.A. It is not usually mentioned and I think it is better than the first part
Critters 2
Toy Story 2? My other answer would be Godfather part II, but it's been so long since I saw it that I don't know if I agree with that commonly-held opinion.
I saw another comment that spurred my thinking. There are (how many?) sequels in the Terminator series that have only been increasingly worse all because Terminator 2 was so good.
The same goes for Star Wars. Empire Strikes Back is a damn good movie by any measure. I’m confident none of the Star Wars movies since have managed to even come close, and I’d even say the only ones really worth watching are the first, the second, and the immediate prequel (Rogue One)
- Empire Strikes Back
- Star Trek II
Hate on Michael Bay and his Transformers movies all you want, but there is only one movie with more robots that turn into more things than cars, more explosions, more ridiculous destruction, more awesomeness, more movie than 2007’s Transformers, and that movie is Transformers: Age of Extinction.
A giant robot that turns into a semi-truck painted with red flames, wielding a sword while riding on the back of another giant robot that turns into a flame-breathing T-rex robot. It’s unparalleled in the stupid dumb action movie genre.
I qualify a good sequel as a movie that can be enjoyed without having to watch the previous. Not that the previous isn't important, just not required.
Terminator 2 clearly fits into this category. As do a lot of sequels. Here is my short list:
- Terminator 2
- The Dark Knight
- Finding Dory
- Toy Story 2
- Spider Man 2 (Toby Maguire)
Do Casino Royal or Rogue One count for anyone?
Dead snow 2. First one was so bad it was good, the second one was actually incredibly.
cars 2. Nothing better than a spy movie where the protagonist is literally a car
Hot shots! Part deux.
The Two Towers?
Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, and Blade Runner 2049 would be my picks.
Technically a prequel, Mike Flannigan’s Ouija: Origin of Evil far exceeds the original by every measure.
Leprechaun 4?
I won't go so far as to say this is better than Terminator 2, but Gremlins 2 is such a great sequel. Some people are turned off by the zaniness, but I love how it's basically a parody of unnecessary sequels and that they just swung for the fences with it.
Terminator 3
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