His house has all one-star reviews on Google Maps. And it's been labled "Incel's house" and "public bathroom".
Remember that jury nullification is a tool in your toolbox.
Hypothetically, if you're selected for jury duty in a case like 'Someone murdered Nick Fuentes", you can just say not guilty regardless of evidence or truth. The court can't make you show your work and they cannot tell you that your verdict is wrong This is an inherent property of jury trials. It gets used to shield cops and other in-group members from consequences.
Just make sure you don't mention the term jury nullification during jury selection.
Also, do mention it if you're trying to get out of jury duty.
Nah, don't mention it. Being on a jury is the best opportunity you'll ever have to free someone from our "justice" system at no risk to yourself
I'll imagine a trump presidency will involve someone criticizing trump, then he tells the SS to "investigate" for potential "anti-government" activities. Then convieniently leaks the address of the person. Then be like "It'd be a shame if something happened to them", the maga mobs would be throwing molotovs.
Actually he could just tweet it from his @potus account, tell "patriots" to "defend the US from enemies within" and hes immune since he used the official government account.
Jesus Fucking Christ, what a stupid timeline.
then he tells the SS to "investigate" for potential "anti-government" activities.
See. This is one of the things that separates Trump from Hitler. He's got nothing like the SS or SA. Those were paramilitary organizations attached to the NSDAP before they won political power. You're gonna have a really hard time convincing me that the Proud Boys, or these various Meal Team 6 organizations are actually effective paramilitaries.
Idk what to tell you but there are these arseholes called police. They fit the description.
"any brown person between 2001 and 2012" was subject to such abuses of rights if you recall
Nazis shall be given no quarter
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences
“I did not come down from the goddamn Smokey mountains, cross five thousand mile of water, fight my way through half of Sicily, and jump out of a fuckin aeroplane to teach the nazi lessons in humanity. Nazi ain’t got no humanity. They are the foot soldiers of a Jew hatin mass murdering maniac and they need to be destroyed.”
Enough of the "they go low we go high" bs, you can't defeat fascism with civility.
Report all you want. This is not getting taken down. Fuck nazis.
Based as fuck
What happened in his life to become a Nazi at 26 years old lol what the fuck
He's in the peak age to be thoroughly funneled through various nazi pipelines from an extremely young age. After we thoroughly beat fascism back into the darkness, we'll need to continue deprogramming passively radicalized bystanders.
Ask yourself why someone who screams "Great replacement" conspiracy theories and advocates for Christofascism constantly is unmarried and doing nothing to replace the "declining white birth rates".
Smash a different window every day. Make him feel the same fear he is attempting to drive into the brave women of this country. "Your body my choice." What kind of rapist shit is that?
Lol google scrubbed it and now it's this
Oh no! I will never find it now!
sure would be a shame if someone dealt with him late at night, wouldn't it? :)
How the fuck did this image get jpegified so much so fast? You'd think that the people sharing it would care to make sure that it remains as legible as possible.
He’s only 26?
Hate both ages a man and keeps them alive past their due date, it's perplexing.
That fuck lives in my state!?! So many of the suburbs have underground Klan and neoNazi activities. It's disgusting.
Everyone tag the address as "nazi" lol
BTFO (Bash the fash often)
Gonna have to censor the whole block, really. He's "famous".
A community to post acts of antifascism and other left-wing activism. Please message a mod if you would like something posted and we can tag you in the post as well.