Oh my fucking god, I HATE religion.
These Taliban sound like some real jerks.
Now I'm not the most up to date on politics and the like, so what I am about to say might be pretty controversial, but I'm sorta thinking I agree with you.
All I’m saying is that SkyNet would never allow that. I vote for SkyNet takeover of humanity.
Not directly related, but you might enjoy the show 3 body problem
I watched that show and yeah it was really good. I think our last hope is probably alien invasion or AI takeover.
That's a hot take if you've read the books.
Well they ain't called the talifreedom
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This smells more like a country run by incels rather than religion
A religion that says when you die you get 72 virgins is founded on treating women like property.
Many religions are like this. In the Bible if you rape a woman you're punished as if you damaged property.
The "punishment" is the rapist has to marry the victim. The bible punishes the victim.
Username checks out. Still a dumb take that I would expect somewhere in atheistmemes not in a serious community talking about the gender apartheid that a hardcore religious conservative group has imposed. And now it will confuse you that I’m also criticizing them, because who wouldn’t criticize the fucking Taliban, but I’m so tired of this low quality „religion bad“ content when the actual problem is REALLY shitty people.
Remember the Soviets, remember the Nazis, remember Mao? Those guys hated religion and have caused the deaths of literally hundreds of millions. So you wanna criticize religion, go ahead, but please for the sake of the whole community do it like an adult, not like a 14 year old in atheistmemes.
Does the religion believe in the 72 virgins when you die? Yes. Does the religion prescribe treating women like property? Yes.
Everything they said is true, not sure why you're getting triggered?
I didn't say that religion is bad. I said "a religion ... treats women like property." Nobody says that about Jainism. You can't even say that about satanism. Some religions treat women badly, and others don't.
Yeah look I’m not going to get into pointless discussions about religions that just going to end up like talking about football teams. You wanna criticize religion as a concept feel free to, but you’ll always end up sounding like you’re 12 when you’re painting with such a broad brush over something like 1.5 billion people. You may not notice in this circle jerk or even the circle jerk that is liberal media but people who tend to have strong simplified opinions on one topic usually have them about others as well. I hope you will experience that the world is more complicated than that and hopefully it will make you think.
It makes me think that you're not capable of defending your viewpoint, that's for sure.
They hated religion because they were competition for their own personality cult.
*corporate wants you to find the difference between these two
Christianity too! Women in the Bible are property.
I was listening my local radio station and they had a story about how women were banned from speaking in public. One of the guest speakers (mostly, women from Afghanistan) gave a history of how it became like this.
There were freedom fighters, or Mujahideen, which were trained in jihad against the Soviets. And part of that indoctrination involved physical separation between males and females, including family members, of the boys and men that later became the Taliban. And part of that indoctrination involved the mullahs, or teachers in those seminaries, teaching or indoctrinating the students, all males, that females are the source of temptation to sinful acts.
There's more to it in the story / transcript, but that was the basic premise.
What else is religion for?
Religion: Reminding people how stupid Humanity can be.
At what point do we treat this as the hostage situation it really is and do something about it?
Anything shy of eliminating all the conservatives in the region will result in this continuing. This is the natural result of unchecked conservatism. It has metastasized there.
Oh hey they were just at madison square garden I think.
No, that was y'all qaeda
Conservatism is social cancer. It is the single biggest threat to life on earth.
A tragedy. And too many men I guess are just going along with it.
Religion is a monstrous evil. Especially the Abrahamic cults.
Bizarre and unique, the Abrahamics' specific (yet general enough) characteristics. And evergreen! See only the Mormon church, a recent cult, for example - unbelievably successful. Invented out of whole cloth within the last 200 years. Tax exempt and owns ~4% of the land in the US today, to say nothing of their business interests (cuz it's even harder to know).
They venerate Jesus.
They don't? They're all about Joseph Smith. Jesus is kinda there win the background.
They revere Joseph Smith for sure (and some other made up folks like Moroni or whatever) but I think it's incorrect to say Jesus has taken a back seat in their faith. I just toured one of their temples (which they allow only briefly before they consecrate it), JC was everywhere. Not sure I saw any imagery of Joseph Smith, but it was a lot to take in and I may have missed it.
Thanks guys I learned something today! I really thought it was Joseph > Jesus but it makes sense you wouldn't talk about the bro every Sunday. lol.
A lot of people want to point at religion but these are conservative sentiments. The Taliban was only popular due to it's anti-imperialism fighting foreign invaders like the Soviets and US. Now that the people of Afghanistan can turn to internal politics, the can fight to end or reform the Taliban's oppressive rule. The Taliban is sowing the seeds of their own demise via popular revolution
The problem is, they've actually successfully reduced corruption from the unjust kleptocracy the US installed. Shits pretty bad when the fucking taliban can come along and create a less corrupt government.
That's so fucking weird.
"Because some of us have not learned personal space, women may not be seen, heard, or spoken of, even by other women. 'Cause they're scary 🥺"
They turn into Moclans if they continue.
Looks like it's time for sign language to rise. Are the Taliban going to say that women can't move their hands? (How will they serve their ~~masters~~ men otherwise?)
Guess they can’t listen to the Taliban then, because they seem like a bunch of little bitches.
Fuck the Taliban really fucking hard. That's all I want to say right now.
It's like the dark ages are still strong in other parts of the world. Makes me sad to think about how a vast amount of Americans don't value US democracy at all.
Surprised the MAGA crowd don’t invite these guys to talk at dinners more tbh. They’re so ahead of the curve.
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