Taliban bans women from ‘hearing other women’s voices’
Other communities of interest:
Yeah your dog whistle got a little too loud there
Dog whistle for what? For not liking that it’s ridiculous what kind of shit you can say when it’s about those people? The shit people say nowadays about Muslims and Islam is the same shit they said a 100 years ago about Jews and it was and still is liberal media who’s carrying this into the middle of society, not some MAGA Qanon looney toons who live in their own world anyway.
I’m not surprised people here are confused and that’s exactly what I’m criticizing and what makes me being downvoted to oblivion, some topics people aren’t capable of understanding nuance and this is one of them.
Nope. You're just wrong. Nothing you're saying here is true. That's why you're being down voted. You're just too thick skulled to admit it so you keep doubling down
Thanks for also proving my point.
Yes my point has definitely been proven by you. Thanks for pointing that out! 🤠