Some people, for some reason, consider their day wasted if they don't make at least one person they perceive as lower on the totem pole than them suffer. And they consider themselves good guys, helpful guys and pillars of their communities. Which is too fucking sad and infuriating to put into words..
I am a doorman for a highrise full of wealthy people. Pretty regularly someone reports a "suspicious" person near the bus stop. Every single time it is just a black person waiting for a bus. No matter how polite and proper they may seem, the wealthy are all scum.
I watched a documentation about police (EU) some months ago. They were called because supposedly there were "foreigners" causing trouble. They arrived and tried to figure out what the deal was but they were very confused. So the "troublemakers" were friendly and cooperative and the old man who called the police wanted the others gone. Police quickly realized who the actual problem was but the guy was having none of it. He even escalated and was even taken into custody if I recall correctly.
Not sure where the hell I was going with this story but your story reminded me of it. Something about suspicion I guess?
Everyday sadists.
Well see here's the kicker. There are words you can find to put into that situation. They don't have to be good words, complicated, or even particularly useful. The most important thing is to speak out. We tend to be too tolerant and unwilling to place ourselves in the center of attention. Saw it during Covid, see it in most situations. We turn our heads and avert our eyes, subverting the expectation that good people should stand for good reasons.
I'll say it plainly: Most of us mean well and speak well. We do nothing though.
"Karen" was a nice one to at least get some of these assholes to understand.
But yeah, words are strong. Oppressive regimes actually try and avoid or even remove certain words because it allows the people to easily explain something that could hurt the regime.
Are we talking about the cops, the priest, or the imaginary person who contacted the police?
is the implication that Americans might not be the most moral beings in the world that scary?
No, people are horrible, but who in a town of 16k people called the police to an area that isn't heavily populated, within 20 minutes? The easy answer, the people who put the statue there because literally who else would know? I've seen people drive around people ODd in the street, like they don't care enough to call the cops unless you're actively bothering them.
dude, small towns are filled with some of the most vile and spiteful people I have ever met, literally hold grudges their entire lives, and think themselves better than you because their great great grandad did something in the area, they are exactly the people who would call the cops that fast
Look until you find the person who placed the phone call, or even maybe just a statement from the police that actually details the event, not the happy glad handing bullshit "we care". I'm going to assume that the priest or the organization called the police because nobody gave a shit about the statue they wasted money on rather than actually helping the homeless.
counterpoint, how about you get a statement from the police about no one calling? oh wait, turns out police don't give statements like that AND don't actually release who called for what (and for good reason)
but wait, you're just trying to put up some proof that you know isn't possible to get because you can't accept that small towns are where hate lives
Yeah and you're trying to convince me a priest did something other than diddle kids, while providing the same amount of evidence.
to be fair, there are a lot of priests who don't do anything to children, meanwhile the hate of homless people in America is so high several states have literally outlawed being homeless
Here's what to do if you see someone sleeping on a bench or in a park: mind your fucken business, unless some is dying or being actively hurt mind your fucken business
If you think you saw someone sleeping somewhere illegally, no you didn't.
I've always applied the "should I be allowed to do it?" Reasoning to these circumstances. And yeah, I should be allowed to nap in the park on a nice day if I want.
Should I bring 6 shopping carts of stuff and block access to public benches for days/weeks at a time? No. But anyone just napping in the park is using the space as intended.
Considering this is a statue, it's not impossible for someone to see someone completely still on a bench and think, "Jeez, I think someone went to sleep on that bench and died. I should call someone..."
"Damnit Jesus go back to heaven already you know it's illegal to sleep here" Police probably
Before or after beating him?
depends on whether or not it was the white jesus, I suppose
He'll just turn the other cheek, but he can also respawn, so I think eventually he'll wear you down.
Hispanic jesus would have definitely taken a beating.
Korean Jesus would've thrown the beating.
For context, Bay Village is one of the wealthiest and whitest Cleveland suburbs.
And probably "Christian". As in those that say their Christian but don't exhibit Christianity's ideals.
The key tradition colonizers spread to the new world was calling yourself a Christian before doing some heinous, very-unchristian shit.
Who the fuck calls the police about someone sleeping on a bench? That person must be really rotten inside.
How much you want to bet they tithe regularly to their local church?
I’ll bet you’re right, and if they live in Bay Village, OH it’s a safe bet to make.
It does kind of look like they might be dead. Maybe they were concerned about their welfare? I'm just too much of an optimist about people I guess.
Usually it's the 'no poverty in front of my kids' type of person that use their kids to justify being inhumane
Punching down, American as apple pie
Apple pie isn't even American
Pick up that can, Messiah.
Wouldn't this statue be considered "hostile architecture"?
Nah, there's no real bench being blocked. The bench is part of the art piece.
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