Odds are high this kid was an insufferable little puke.
"I don't need to wear my life jacket. I'm a strong swimmer."
Jesus. We'll never hear the end of it from the right wing wackos. They'll use this as justification for starting up the Nazi Youth
During a bad day the bosses mom asked me why I wasn't my usual chipper self. I said if you want me to smile all day every day I need paid more. Then the boss yanged at me "why are you telling mother you want paid more?!?" and I told him, because I want paid more.
It's like a comic book. The League of Assholes
You missed the phase in the 90's when overalls were cool. Chris Cross gonna make you jump. And wear overalls. I think House of Pain wore them too.
My wife's old dutch grandma once had a sip of beer and said "it's like an angel pissing on my tongue"
Talking about how many children she had "your grandfather would throw his dirty undies at me and I'd get pregnant"
It was shared on here that that story stemmed from the fact that classrooms are keeping kitty litter handy so kids can shit in a bucket during school shooter lock down incidents.
Tiny bit of truth ÷ deflection x thing I hate = popular lie
I'm old and out of touch. I bought asexual branded shoelaces because I thought they were nice colours. My daughter laughed at me.
If you ask a scientist what pi is, they will tell you it equals 3.14159. If you ask a mathematician, they will tell you pi equals the circumference of a circle divided by its diameter. If you ask an engineer, they will say “about 3, but let's round it up to 5 to be safe.”
The conservative premiers must be defeated because PP wants a new charter.