The Fallout show was so much fun. Looking forward to the next season.
I have seen so many people say it's good but I watched it with my wife and at around episode 3 she described it as aggressively mid which I heavily agree with and we stopped watching. Felt like the writers of Fallout 4 were involved and were told to tone down the excitement. Does it get like a lot better later in the season or are our tastes just different?
Felt like the writers of Fallout 4 were involved and were told to tone down the excitement.
Wow that's a damning statement, given how atrociously written Fallout 4 was.
It's significantly better written and much more coherant than fallout 4
They probably managed to cull most of Emil Pagliarulo's input, then
I think that part of Emil's problem as a writer is that he writes stories that don't allow for the player to be part of the process. It's Emil's story, we just play it.
Fallout 4 was such a mess because they tried to make the Institute an evil monster and a viable player faction which led to a huge conflict between the stated goals of the Institute and its actual actions. Which wouldn't be so bad if the player could confront them about it but not being able to do so makes the player feel disconnected from the character (in my opinion).
In a TV show that need to respond to player choice doesn't exist which is why it felt more natural. Having other writers on hand didn't hurt either.
The 4 and a half episodes I saw felt like whoever made this just knew in broad strokes what Fallout 3 and 4 were and was told to make a movie based on that. It feels very Bethesda in it's storytelling, the plot exists but it's the most generic and bland as possible, no new ideas or interesting concepts and nothing to say. I feel like the only thing carrying it is the Fallout imagery and without it the show would be a solid 4/10.
Recent TV shows that I would rate as excellent would be The Expanse, From, Foundation and Lower Decks. Fallout doesn't feel even close to any of those but people seem to really like it.
I don't remember last time Bethesda (dev, not publisher) ever wrote a storyline that was gripping, honestly. The games tend to have at least one or two side plots that are at least a bit interesting, maybe in the form of a DLC or so, but the main story isn't generally all that good.
The only quest I really remember from any of their recent main-line games (by recent I mean Oblivion - Fallout 4) is the one where a wife is looking for her missing husband, who ended up having escaped into a painting in order to avoid a burglar. Plot-wise it wasn't amazing, but the storytelling thanks to it being a game, made it good. It wouldn't have worked in a show.
I really liked Foundation. I never read those books either so maybe that's why. I recently ranted about how atrociously bad the Netflix adaptation of Three Body was, and someone brought up thinking the same about Foundation - which caught me off guard. Couldn't really get past the first episode because by the time the episode ended we were halfway through the first book, and we'd pulled in elements of the second and third as well. Reading Three Body was a slow burn, it left you feeling on edge as the characters were prodding around the edges of this conspiracy, which then turned out to be not what you expected. It's also an intensely nihilistic read, which suits me great because I am intensely nihilistic. It was amazing, and the Netflix adaptation caught none of that.
I enjoyed The Expanse first time I watched it, then vanished, and now I need to re-watch it because I've forgotten everything. It's just tough to get back in to since I've already seen it and as I'm watching I'm like "oh right, this thing" and then it gets boring. Lower Decks I've only seen the crossover episode from SNW, which was fun, so I'm kind of curious about it!
seeing as the first 3 episodes barely get into more than character introduction I'd say give it a bit more time
As soon as I saw this scene, I immediately thought of Lemmy users and how it would speak to them. So, not surprised to see this posted here and getting some love.
"You're currently... In IT, how do you feel about that?"
"I'm good at it. I don't like it, but I don't hate it."
“You’re currently… unemployed, how do you feel about that?”
“I’m good at it. I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it.”
This scene resonated with me on so many levels.
As soon as I saw this scene, I immediately thought of ~~Lemmy users~~ everyone I know and how it would speak to them.
fixed that for me
How can we be enthusiastic when most of us are running purely off of sheer force of will and copious amounts of caffeine
That's why you replace that with cocaine. Disclaimer: don't do it, just stay with coffee do exercise instead, get some hobbies, find another job, get some long vacation.
That hobby thing is a two sided sword. I have 4 hobbies plus my family, friends and the gym. And I have not enough time for them. It actually adds to my stress level nowadays, because I want to do all of them and just can't.
Well, caffeine anyways
I've seen what they do. Gum up the works with red tape and bureaucracy, take every hard earned cent and use it to fund their Illuminati free mason sex parties.
We talking about your job or Fallout?
Is my real job and my likely vault job really all that much different?
I would say that this guy is my spirit animal except that during some of his other scenes, he very much acted in a way contrary to what I believe I would have done.
I don't want to say any more since the show is still new and I don't want to ruin anything for anyone.
But this line, yes. Very yes. Most of my jobs have been like this. It's just like, I'm only here because they pay me to be. I only do what I need to in order to not get fired.
"Lacks enthusiasm" in this case really means "doesn't feign enthusiasm".
Thanks for reminding me how good it is to be honest about what you see
Lacking enthusiasm for what can effectively be paid slavery is nothing to be ashamed or shamed for.
I have great hope for him in season 2
I bet he's going to game of throne the shit out of the vault(s).
Having not watched the show, this makes me think of Office Space.
Watch it. It's a treat. But gory. A lot more gore than I expected.
"Enthusiasm" wasn't required for any of my previous positions, I fail to see why that matters
Sergeant Hulka: Soldier, I've noticed that you're always last.
John Winger: I'm pacing myself, Sergeant.
Why can't we ever have just like a salad? Loved seeing this guy, brought back nacho libre nostalgia and he knocked the role out of the park. I actually typically despise reboots/remakes etc but this show was really fun
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