Now a disclaimer; I'm not FtM, but non-binary and struggling with vocal dysphoria.
I've had voice masculinization therapy on my mind for a long while now, but unfortunately gender-affirming vocal therapy is near-nonexistent in the conservative country I live in. (fuck this place tbh)
Therefore, I've been thinking of having sessions online instead, but I've had difficulties finding any practitioners or services. Even the few I have found, were extremely expensive at $120-150 USD per individual session! Needless to say I cannot afford that sort of budget (@_@;)
So... any online recommendations where I can get therapy for cheaper than this? Any and all advice is much needed and appreciated.
Interesting! I’m an older trans gent and I learned most of my masculinization technique from just watching (and emulating) how dudes talk while playing video games.
I suppose as a tip; using fewer syllables and clipped, stoic language helps. If you find yourself sounding a little rude, that’s technically the point. Also the end of masculine sentences dips down instead of up (in the US at least).
Best of luck friend!