I just got bottom surgery
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I grew up in a family where everyone sat by default, so to me peeing while standing up is less gendered than it is for most people, I think. I'd still choose the ability to do everything your average cis guy can do if I could, of course. I don't yet know if I'll be able to sexually penetrate my partner, but I expect to not be able to and that is a thing I will feel a little sad about. Ejaculating and standing to pee are more "nice to haves" but that doesn't mean I won't occasionally wish I could do them.
My experience of just this last few days, though... looking in the mirror and seeing a tiny but definite penis for the first time was a huge euphoric moment. I've tried prosthetics and they sometimes make the dysphoria worse, making me more aware of what I don't have basically. This is like the opposite, where sure, I don't have all those abilities, but I have a penis! It's familiar and a real organic part of me!