submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by const_void@lemmy.ml to c/kde@lemmy.kde.social
submitted 13 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) by ptz@dubvee.org to c/memes@lemmy.world

Alt text: A rocket engine attached to a train. The rocket is labeled "AI" and the train labeled "Enshittification train".

submitted 15 hours ago by Seagoon_@aussie.zone to c/melbourne@aussie.zone

Dumb question, but new to cycling, and the person at the store adjusted the height of the back via the tab. The Trek manual and video are absolute garbage, so we can't figure out how. Can anyone help?

submitted 23 hours ago by Climatix@jlai.lu to c/opensource@jlai.lu
meow_irl (lemmy.world)
submitted 2 minutes ago by robocall@lemmy.world to c/meow_irl@sopuli.xyz
submitted 23 minutes ago by lautan@lemmy.ca to c/technology@lemmy.world

New development policy: code generated by a large language model or similar technology (e.g. ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot) is presumed to be tainted (i.e. of unclear copyright, not fitting NetBSD's licensing goals) and cannot be committed to NetBSD.


What the FUCK did I do? (minio.dev.madhouselabs.net)

Image description: a screenshot of the GNOME calculator. there is an error dialog over it saying "You are permanently banned from Calculator"

(Originally published earlier today on chadthundercock.com) - Click the Fedi-Link to visit.

submitted 1 day ago by Syl@jlai.lu to c/france@jlai.lu
submitted 6 hours ago by VanHalbgott@lemmus.org to c/anime@lemmy.ml

I was in a rush and I needed to pick up a quick snack that I could eat during class. I chose these Nature Valley bars which said they had ten bars inside. What I failed to notice is the tiny print at the bottom where it says 5 x 2, i.e., 5 packets with two bars.

Lo and behold when I open a pack during a break, I find two bars inside. I didn't want to eat two bars, just one. You can't even just leave the other fucking bar inside because they create so MANY crumbs. How the fuck are you supposed to seal it???

Stupid-ass deceptive printing got the better of me. It's not the end of the world, just mildly infuriating.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Haggunenons@lemmy.world to c/digitalbioacoustics@lemmy.world

A Collection of Resources related to the field of Digital Bioacoustics


Open-source Analytics

BirdVox - In-flight bird vocalization identification
VocalPy - A core package for acoustic communication research in Python
baRulho - an R package to quantify habitat-induced degradation of (animal) acoustic signals
DAS4Whales - a Python package to analyze Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data for marine bioacoustics
HARKBird - a set of scripts that use HARK for analyzing acoustic interactions among species and their surrounding acoustic environment.
OpenSoundscape (OPSO) - OpenSoundscape (OPSO) is free and open source Python utility library analyzing bioacoustic data.
Parselmouth - Parselmouth is a Python library for the Praat software.
PAMGuard - Open-source software for Passive Acoustic Monitoring
Perch - A bioacoustics research project by Google
Seewave - an R package dedicated to sound analysis and synthesis
SonoScape - SonoScape is a new software to process wav files using a full set of Acoustic Complexity metrics the (ACI metrics (ACIft, ACItf) and derivative indices: ACIft evenness, ACItf evenness, Sonic Signature Dissimilarity (SSD), Ecoacoustic Events (EE), EE Entropy, and Fractal dimensions of EE and SSD), developed under the MATLAB® platform.
warbler.py - a pipeline for segmenting, clustering and visualizing Adelaide's warbler songs
warbleR - is intended to facilitate the analysis of the structure of animal acoustic signals in R.
Whombat - an open-source web-based audio annotation tool designed to facilitate audio data labeling and annotation, with a special focus on aiding machine learning model development.

Open-source Soundscape

AviaNZ - Abundance estimation. The AviaNZ project is a collaboration between mathematicians, data scientists, and conservation biologists, to enable acoustic recordings of birdsong to be turned into reliable estimates of abundance
soundscape_IR- a python-based toolbox of soundscape information retrieval, aiming to assist in the analysis of soundscape recordings. The toolbox is primarily desgined for: (1) visualization of soundscape dynamics and (2) audio source separation.

Open-Source Machine Learning

AVES - (Animal Vocalization Encoder based on Self-Supervision) is a self-supervised, transformer-based audio representation model for encoding animal vocalizations ("BERT for animals")
BioLingual - Transferable Models for bioacoustics with Human Language Supervision. An audio-text model for bioacoustics based on contrastive language-audio pretraining.
soundclim - This repository compiles scripts and modules to search for soundmarks in audio recordings using machine learning.

Open-Source Database Access

rfishbase - interactive and programmatic access to the FishBase repository


Arbimon- Upload and analyze an unlimited amount of audio from your AudioMoth, Song Meter, or other recording device, with our free cloud-based analytical tool.
Avisoft-SASLab Pro - versatile sound analysis, editing, classification and synthesis tool.
Beluga and ARTwarp - MATLAB sound analysis tools
Kaleidoscope - versatile bioacoustics sound analysis tool, available in Pro and Lite, Kaleidoscope helps you more quickly identify species and report on findings.
Raven Pro - Raven Pro is a software program for the acquisition, visualization, measurement, and analysis of sounds. Raven Pro provides a powerful, user-friendly research and teaching tool for scientists working with acoustic signals. Raven Pro’s highly configurable views provide unparalleled flexibility in data display.
Raven Lite - Raven Lite is a free software program that lets users record, save, and visualize sounds as spectrograms and waveforms. Raven Lite is intended for students, educators, and hobbyists, and can be used for learning about sounds, as an aid in birdsong recognition, and in musical instruction.
SigPro - SigPro generates various noise sources or sine waves and plays WAV files at the desired sound pressure levels. Up to 8 independent sources can be generated real time of either pure tones, white, pink, red, full or 1/3 octave band-limited noise. WAV files of any sample rate can be looped to the desired length.


Haiku Box - Device for identifying and being notified of different bird species. AURAL-M2The AURAL-M2 ( Autonomous Underwater Recorder for Acoustic Listening) is an underwater recorder used for any application that requires continuous underwater sound recording
HydroMoth - HydroMoth is a variant of the standard AudioMoth specifically designed to be deployed in the underwater case.
SoundTrap 300 series - The SoundTrap 300 series are compact self-contained underwater sound recorders for ocean acoustic research.


AudioMoth - a low-cost, full-spectrum acoustic logger, based on the Gecko processor range from Silicon Labs. Just like its namesake the moth, AudioMoth can listen at audible frequencies, well into ultrasonic frequencies. It is capable of recording uncompressed audio to microSD card at rates from 8,000 to 384,000 samples per second and can be converted into a full-spectrum USB microphone.
Birdbuddy - AI-powered Smart Bird Feeder. Capture their photos and organize them in a beautiful collection.
Frontierlabs Bar-LT - The BAR-LT is a professional 2 channel audio recorder designed specifically for long term autonomous field deployments.
Wildlife Acoustics Song Meter Line - Passive Acoustic Monitoring Devices


Animal Kingdom - A Large and Diverse Dataset for Animal Behavior Understanding
AnuraSet - A large-scale acoustic multi-label dataset for neotropical anuran call classification in passive acoustic monitoring
AnimalSpeaks - over a million audio-caption pairs holding information on species, vocalization context, and animal behavior
BEANS: Benchmark of Animal Sounds - The Benchmark of Animal Sounds
Egyptian fruit bat calls Prat Et. al. 2017 - An annotated dataset of Egyptian fruit bat vocalizations across varying contexts and during vocal ontogeny
HubBugDB - HumBugDB: A Large-scale Acoustic Mosquito wingbeat Dataset
Ushichka - Bat echolocation data, a multichannel audio-video dataset consisting of between 12-22 microphones and three thermal cameras.
Watkins Marine Mammal Sound Database
Xeno-Canto - Massive bird database, over 10,000 species.

Systema Naturae - massive searchable collection of many different kinds of datasets across many different types of animals


BirdNET - BirdNET is a research platform that aims at recognizing birds by sound at scale.
Discovery of Sound in the Sea - Well-organized examples of different kinds of sounds of marine animals
FishSounds Library - a comprehensive, global inventory of fish sound production research. Information can be searched by fish taxa, by sound characteristics, or by reference.
Macaulay Library - it features 150,000 recordings of 9,000 species, including three-quarters of all known birds to science.
MNHN - Large collection of birds sounds from Muséum National d'Histoire naturelle
MorphoSource - Find, view, and download 3D data representing the world's natural history, cultural heritage, and scientific collections.

Citizen Scientist Programs

Observations.be - the largest nature platform in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Happywhale - Happywhale engages citizen scientists to identify individual marine mammals, for fun and for science
eBird - eBird is among the world’s largest biodiversity-related science projects, with more than 100 million bird sightings contributed annually by eBirders around the world
Flukebook - Flukebook applies computer vision algorithms and deep learning to identify and track individual whales and dolphins across hundreds of thousands of photos. We help researchers collaborate with each other and citizen scientists contribute to the effort. A.I. scales and speeds research and conservation.

Live-streamed bioacoustics

Streaming audio from the ALOHA Cabled Observatory
Locus Sonus
Rainforest Connection Apple App

Live-streamed other

Smithsonian’s Naked Mole Rat cam

Online Forums

Bioacoustics Stack Exchange - Bioacoustics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for people interested in the studies of non-human animal sounds and the impacts of sounds on animals. It only takes a minute to sign up.
Earth Species Project Discord - Join the dynamic and growing online conversation around interspecies communication!


Detection, Classification, Localisation and Density Estimation (DCLDE) of marine mammals - Spring 2024 in Rotterdam, Netherlands
5th World Ecoacoustics Congress - July 8-12 in Madrid, Spain
The African Bioacoustics Community - Fall 2024 in Cape Town, SA
IBAC - 2025 in Denmark


The African Bioacoustics Community - Bioacoustic research from Africa and by African scientists is not well represented in the global field and thus the African Bioacoustics Community strives to shine a light on the achievements of bioacoustics research in Africa.
BDFFP - The Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project
Earth Species Project - Earth Species Project is a non-profit dedicated to using artificial intelligence to decode non-human communication.
IBAC - The International Bioacoustics Society
Rainforest Connection - Rainforest Connection (RFCx) builds and deploys scalable, open acoustic monitoring systems that can halt illegal logging and poaching, and can enable biodiversity measurement and monitoring.
Robots4Whales - We monitor the presence of marine mammals from ocean-going robots using the sounds the animals make.

I'm sure there is so much that I have missed, so if you know of anything that belongs in here, please let me know and I'll get it added!


02/07/24 - Haiku Box, Birdvox
02/05/24 - VocalPy
11/07/23 - BioLingual, AnimalSpeaks
11/09/23 - Discovery of Sound in the Sea, Macaulay Library
11/12/23 - Smithsonian's Naked Mole Rat cam, observations.be
11/25/23 - FishSounds Library

submitted 17 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by realitista@lemm.ee to c/til@lemmy.world

cross-posted from: https://lemmit.online/post/2916897

This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/science by /u/mvea on 2024-05-15 10:17:06+00:00.

submitted 16 hours ago by healthetank@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca
submitted 6 hours ago by kobimo@kbin.social to c/world@lemmy.world

Magician David Copperfield is facing serious allegations of sexual misconduct and inappropriate behavior from 16 women, as revealed in an investigation by the

submitted 4 hours ago by partybot@lemmy.ca to c/til@lemmy.ca
submitted 1 hour ago by JustMarkov@lemmy.ml to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

As you can easily notice, today many open source projects are using some services, that are… sus.

For example, Github is the most popular place to store your project code and we all know, who owns it. And not to forget that sketchy AI training on every line of your code. Don't we have alternatives? Oh, yes we have. Gitlab, Codeberg, Notabug, etc. You can even host your own Gitea or Forgejo instance if you want.

Also, Crowdin is very popular in terms of software (and docs) translation. Even Privacy Guides and The New Oil use Crowdin, even though we have FLOSS Weblate, that you can easily self-host or use public instances.

So, my question is: if you are building a FLOSS / privacy related project, why using proprietary and privacy invasive tools?

Do you like olives? (lemmy.world)

I need to settle an argument I started. My argument: olives are gross.

I will die on this hill.

submitted 7 minutes ago by Underbroen@feddit.dk to c/nyheder@feddit.dk
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