[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 35 points 8 months ago

I'll buy 3 more, thanks for the advice

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 48 points 8 months ago

Well my night is ruined


I'm not like a super political person, and from my understanding its the idea that if I make a $10 thing for the bossman, but only get $1 that is wage theft?

But like, when I took the job I knew how much I was going to make?

Or is it like, people are literally not getting their paychecks?

I'm slightly inebreated, lazy, and don't want my algorithms to start becoming politically charged from googling and youtubing this. I'm already collapse aware and my mental health is ultra fragile.

Help me Lemmy wan kenobi, you're my only hope.

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 29 points 8 months ago

Wow I applied to Cloudflare a few months ago, glad I got rejected because I was just laid off late last year.

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 42 points 8 months ago

LinkedIn is an aggregation of everything wrong with social media. I got laid off and tried to use it to find a job, never again.

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 77 points 8 months ago

True love is actually a great wish. Money runs out, the earth doesn't have the resources to power an x-wing, super dude can't do anything super or else society will now expect him to be Superman, which is a huge responsibility anyone reasonable would want. But TRUE LOVE, the fucking stuff from Disney movies? I'd take that in a heartbeat, then proceed to do a lewd photoshoot with my partner on the defunct x-wing.


I'm a software developer who fell in love with teaching. Unfortunately many companies providing an education in writing code are scams, and I'm sad to say I'm working for one right now. I've been playing with the idea of having free "learn to code" streams, to give people the education without ripping them off.

I also am interested in getting into music production ( I have a year of piano lessons under my belt! humble beginnings lol), and I have an eccentric art style if there is a desire for visuals that don't feel derivative and samey like most modern art efforts. Attached is my most recent art piece.

I'm not just interested in teaching, really I want to just find other people who also enjoy creating and sharing information. I don't care about being rich or going viral. I just want a social ecosystem where "Wouldn't it be cool if..." is likely to be followed up by "Yeah, we should try it", or "No I already attempted that, but here is what I learned."

Anyways I'm here to help how I can!


Last time I checked there aren't nerve endings in our brain, so it should be impossible to feel sensations in my brain. However, at random times during my life, like seeing the plot twist in Fight Club for example, I've felt feelings in my brain. I just felt it again now while doing some intense introspection, and I just wanted to see if anyone else has this happen?


I'm looking to get the A+ and Networking certs only because I'll probably be laid off soon and I want to make myself even more marketable. Right now I'm a software developer with 8 years of Java experience, and from my initial studying I think the certifications shouldn't be too hard.

However, I may not have the time (or money) to make multiple attempts, so I was wondering if anyone had any good resources tailored to folks who are already technical to help me study.

I know some folks might say I don't need them, but my resume needs more buzzwords to get picked up by recruiters and hiring managers, and I'm open to all kinds of work as long as it keeps a roof over my family's head.


I spent 8 years doing Java development, layoffs are coming soon (my second time this year! 😊), I know how hard it is to get a job out there, and I'm tired of Java. So I was wondering if anyone had any advice for pointing my career in a new direction. I'd like there to be some technical aspect to it still, which is why I am posting here instead of elsewhere.

Right now I'm really into Lua, Vue.js, and am considering picking up CompTIA and AWS certifications just to make myself more marketable.

I have good people skills too, so if a career involves talking more than coding I'll be okay with that. I spent part of this year teaching programming and loved it (but due to the state of the industry many academic businesses are closing down).

Or you know, should I sell my home and just go live in the woods until I die of malnutrition because at this rate we'll all end up there anyways?

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 104 points 10 months ago

I doubt society will even make it 50 more years. Hell I'm expecting the quality of life for the west to plummet with the decade.

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 33 points 11 months ago

I'm for the zipper if traffic is heavy, if you can't get over early you shouldn't be punished. What I hate is when there is enough space and time for motorists to get over, but they insist on speeding ahead and attempt to play chicken at the merge this just increases the risk of traffic slowing further due to an accident.

STAR TREK: ACID PARTY (www.youtube.com)




[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 115 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I don't like brave because Brandon Eich (CEO, formerly with Mozilla) doesn't support gay marriage and was pushing anti-vax stuff on twitter. I don't look for this shit to titillate my tits like some folks, but when it hits me in the face I can't ignore it.

When fact checking myself I found even more controversies, but I'm not wasting time reading articles that feed a confirmation bias.

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 37 points 11 months ago

I'm not to worried about AI. Isn't the next iteration of GPT closed source? Technology is made best as a research or passion project, but once profits become the focus everything goes down hill. That and when you consider the global supply chain required to manufacture the chips that AI depends on, well things aren't looking too great in that department.

Tl;DR humans will shit all over the prospect of scary intelligent AI well before we get there.


I just find this video ultra fascinating

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 82 points 1 year ago

I'm earnestly asking any Indian folks why I've seen too many articles like this coming out of India. Why is it so unsafe for women in that country? Sexism? Regressive beliefs around sex?

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 55 points 1 year ago

Once I watched a season of alone I dropped all illusions about running into the woods to live the naturalist life.

If anyone is thinking "lol I could do that" just watch alone, it is HARD out there in the wilds.

[-] thefloweracidic@lemmy.world 34 points 1 year ago

The claim that slaves benefited from slavery is like saying you benefited from getting your arm torn off because you are now ten pounds lighter.

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