[-] tacticalsugar 32 points 6 months ago

Remember kids, climate change is your fault specifically, and only you can make things better by making your own life harder!

[-] tacticalsugar 33 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Still don’t understand how tf you bungle a situation like this so badly.

Step 1: Assume the person is intoxicated
Step 2: Do whatever you want because you're a cop and you don't consider drug users people/"something something fentanyl"

[-] tacticalsugar 37 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Definitely! However if your first experience with HR is being discriminated against, raising concerns about discrimination can be dangerous. Who do you go to when HR is causing the issues? HR is there to protect the company, not you. If the easiest way to protect the company is to fire someone, HR will probably do that.

I'm not trying to talk OP or anyone else out of going to HR, they aren't always sharks waiting to fire someone. It's just good to be careful here and OP and their wife should be aware of the risks before taking any action. Definitely document this incident. If this becomes a repeat issue, documentation can be the difference between getting fired and winning a wrongful termination lawsuit.

[-] tacticalsugar 145 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

It sure sounds like racism and poorphobia to me. HR trying to make sure her surroundings don't look like what a "typical poor person" would have (clutter, children, signs of disability, "drugs", etc.) It's not super common, but it's common enough that I hear about it every so often.

I can't offer any kind of legal advice, but it sounds like this job will be potentially problematic and HR will definitely be one to watch out for.

ETA: There's a lot of paranoia in the US right now about "laptop farms". Remote jobs are paranoid about people getting remote work to send money back to North Korea. It's completely ridiculous, and it's causing issues for a lot of people, mostly marginalized people. I think it's useful context to know why this kind of thing is happening more lately.

[-] tacticalsugar 41 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I told you bro. I fuckin' warned you.

People have called me "paranoid" for years for pointing out that this kind of thing was going to happen, and it's so much worse than I thought it would be but at least I'm vindicated.

Tech companies will literally murder or enslave you if they think it would be good for their bottom line. We know that's true because tech companies are murdering and enslaving people in the global south because it's good for their bottom line. Stop giving them money. Stop buying wifi-enabled garbage that spies on you for the police state.

Maybe it's a good thing that people with entirely too much money are being forced to rock their own crying child instead of having a machine do it. Using robots to soothe your child is a Phillip K. Dick-esque dystopia. Obviously a crying child take a huge mental and physical health toll on everyone in a house, but in a country where poor people are being forced to give birth, maybe the rich people should have to suffer a little bit too.

[-] tacticalsugar 40 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Do you think there are circumstances where queer people deserve to be tortured? He moved there for work, but your victim blaming would be just as gross even if he did it for fun.

[-] tacticalsugar 64 points 6 months ago

You can't tell an LLM to not hallucinate, that would require it to actually understand what it's saying. "Hallucinations" are just LLMs bullshitting, because that's what they do. LLMs aren't actually intelligent they're just using statistics to remix existing sentences.

[-] tacticalsugar 27 points 6 months ago


So that's why I like pink.

[-] tacticalsugar 25 points 7 months ago

Every youtuber I've watched recently has opened a patreon and asked people to donate there because youtube ad revenue is worth almost nothing. Every small journalism site I've seen asks for donations, and even the big ones admit their ad income doesn't pay the bills.

Sometimes it sucks knowing that you're indirectly removing revenue from someone. But personally, I prefer my time, attention-span, privacy, and security over giving one ten thousandth of a USA cent to someone. I started using an ad blocker because flashing advertisements were giving me headaches. I kept using them because autoplaying video ads were sucking up all the bandwidth that I was paying for. I continue to use ad blockers today because every single ad is either a scam, malware, or some weirdo far-right political pundit telling me gays are bad. Sorry to the independent journalists relying on ad revenue, but you gotta diversify and get revenue from a source more stable than the adware industry.

The corporate internet you are talking is more about sites like Facebook, insta, reddit etc who doesn’t view the content posters are creators and they definitely doesn’t share profits. I am not talking about this type.

Youtube is owned by google, and is definitely part of the corporate web. Most news sites are part of the corporate web, being owned by just a handful of companies or politicians. The vast majority of sites you would consider small content creators are most likely part of the corporate web. In fact, I haven't seen a single non-corporate website that serves ads.

When I say I want the corporate web to die, I'm talking about seeing places like the fediverse, tilde sites, and neocities sites thriving. If facebook and google die and all that's left is a few sites written by weird mentally ill queers who whost blogs on gemini and gopher, I'd be very okay with that.

[-] tacticalsugar 60 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

But as much as we hate ads, they fuel the internet. Without them, the internet wouldn’t be what it is today.

The corporate web wouldn't be what it is today, the internet would be fine. This is an important distinction to make. The internet is run by a bunch of nerds going to "internet peering conventions" and paying for BGP cross-connects in data centers. They would be fine, because ad-blockers don't hurt them.

The corporate web, on the other hand, would die. I'm very okay with that. In fact, I see that as a feature, not a bug. I hate the corporate web, and I think the world would be better without facebook and google creating monopolies on communication. But either way, if the only way technology can survive is ads (and it's not the only way), then let it die.

So should we gatekeep ad blockers and enjoy an ad-free internet as a minority? It’s not like they know what they’re missing.

lolno. We should be doing everything we can to protect ourselves and those around us from malware, surveillance capitalism, and predatory advertising. Even if you don't care about other people, herd immunity to malware and surveillance capitalism are very real things. It's a lot harder to get infected by malware on an immunized network, and it's a lot harder for facebook to surveil you (remember shadow profiles?) when nobody around you is having their every step tracked.

Consider why those people don't even know about extensions or ad-blocking. The web was built to be extensible, but ad companies (google) have done everything they can to keep people from realizing they can just change websites however they want, including blocking ads. People aren't ignorant about privacy because they want to be, they're ignorant because a lot of money and manipulation has gone into keeping them unaware and unempowered.

Solidarity and support are the only real weapons we have in the war against surveillance and malvertising. If not for those around you, then at least do it for the sake of your own privacy.

[-] tacticalsugar 31 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

He talks about it openly. "Falling birthrates" and "the great replacement" are dog whistles for "white genocide". They're talking about how "the white race" is going to "lose" because the white people are outnumbered by people of color.

[-] tacticalsugar 31 points 7 months ago

Wow this thread is almost entirely the straights being not okay

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