[-] sem 1 points 1 day ago

I haven't seen it in the comments yet, except for my comment that I had seen an ad for it.

[-] sem 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I doubt this because it is not a product people would buy in any volume, and was just used to illustrate a random point. Also the video has been out less than 24 hours. I don't think it's likely in this case.

But on the other hand, if millions of people watch something, I guess some percentage will buy the thing they see... huh.

Thanks for this suggestion.

Wait a second, how would Anker/Amazon know that people who watch the video are likely to buy that item? Would Google send Amazon the exact watch history of each customer and they identify videos in common?

[-] sem 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

🎵I'm just kidding like Jason... unless you're gonna do it 🎶

[-] sem 5 points 1 day ago

Soft gym shorts: pous-pous.

[-] sem 2 points 1 day ago

My high school history teacher's favorite word

[-] sem 2 points 1 day ago

What's the word? "I'm just ____ing"?

[-] sem 2 points 1 day ago

Those are aesthetics

[-] sem 8 points 2 days ago

That sounds really hard. Maybe they wrote with a fine tipped wax pencil and then went over it with black?

Or it's white writing on black paper with a sharpie present just for the composition of the photo.

[-] sem 15 points 2 days ago

Adding on to this, it's good to switch to wireless before the point gets wonky if you want to use the cable for data.

[-] sem 8 points 2 days ago

Does the thickness of the case increase the heat byproduct of wireless charging?

[-] sem 8 points 2 days ago



submitted 4 months ago by sem to c/selfhosted@lemmy.world

Hi all,

I started self hosting nextcloud only. Now I have a domain name and I would like to selfhost more services and websites on subdomains without having to open up more ports on my router.

  1. Is it reasonable to use a reverse proxy server to avoid opening up more ports?
  2. Can I use a reverse proxy manager that simplifies SSL certs, etc?
  3. Can I put the HTTP/HTTPS services behind a reverse proxy, behind a free cloudflare DNS proxy to mask my IP address?
  4. And put other non-http services on the real IP address.
  5. Will all of this be more prone to failure and slow compared to forwarding 443 and 80 directly to my nextcloud server?

The other services I would like to eventually host and have accessible externally are

  • Jitsi
  • Mastodon instance (hoping to make some bots that mirror other social media to bring them into Mastodon)
  • blog website
  • Veilid maybe
  • OpenVPN over TCP on 443 (to get through restrictive firewalls on e.g. school wifi networks that don't whitelist domains)
  • Synology to Synology backup.

I'm hoping to use Yunohost on a RPI to simplify hosting a lot of these things.

Here's my plan where I'm looking for feedback. Am I missing any steps? Are my assumptions correct?

  1. Install reverse proxy on yunohost; configure cloudflare DNS and freedns.afraid.org to point towards the reverse DNS server.
  2. Configure the reverse DNS to redirect various subdomains to
  • the raspberry pi running nextcloud
  • the other raspberry pi running openvpn
  • the Synology running the backup service
  • services running on the yunohost raspberry pi

I have not been able to find good documentation about how to configure the yunohost reverse proxy, or how to deal with HTTP headers, or have correct certificates on all the subdomains as well as the reverse proxy. Looking for advice on how to move forward and or simply this setup.

Inside the Box rule (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 6 months ago by sem to c/196
submitted 7 months ago by sem to c/tailscale@lemmy.ca

I see there is also a 'selfhosted' community that is more broad than tailscale

submitted 7 months ago by sem to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I know about:

  • swimsuit
  • towel
  • sunblock
  • kite
  • water bottle
  • chair
submitted 8 months ago by sem to c/askouija@lemmy.world
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by sem to c/vegan@lemmy.vg

Hey y'all, I don't want to share too much but do any of you know any good resources for people who want to come back to veganism?

Stuff like help with meal planning.
Navigating social situations.
Psychologically dealing with doing the best you can and making a fresh start.

What What in the ____? (self.askouija)
submitted 8 months ago by sem to c/askouija@lemmy.world
submitted 8 months ago by sem to c/askouija@lemmy.world
Why am I so tired? (self.askouija)
submitted 8 months ago by sem to c/askouija@lemmy.world
Why the long face? (self.askouija)
submitted 8 months ago by sem to c/askouija@lemmy.world
Normal Rule At Work (lemmy.blahaj.zone)
submitted 8 months ago by sem to c/196
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joined 9 months ago