Missed opportunity to show a dead one as ghost type lol
"No dickheads allowed" lol
Edit: wait that's the company's LOGO?! Let me laugh even harder
Edit 2: I was hoping they'd explain what the hell their logo is, and translating their "About Me" page gave me this: "Incifra was founded in 1983 and was the first in Italy to dedicate itself to the trade of queue management snails, the symbol of the company."
"Queue management snail" meant nothing to me as an American so I took the original Italian and image searched it:
... They make ticket dispensers. How the fuck does your logo convey that?!
You know what, well played, Incifra - your company does indeed prevent people from being dickheads
Oh sure, when the cat walks into a house and wants to live there, they're all "omg it's so cute" and "let's go buy it food and a bed", but when I do it, they're all "who the hell are you?" and "leave or I'm calling the cops" :(
Looks like his desk is a great place to use the bathroom instead!
I liked the story about the "very high" runes and so I found a source. Apparently, the writing was "Tholfir Kolbeinsson carved these runes high up".
The article title is a little misleading - the tadpoles of this frog don't poop because they're only in a small amount of water and they'd quickly foul it if they pooped frequently like other animals. Instead, they wait until they start to become frogs, then they safely poop outside of their spawning pools.
Seadogs and wenches - 🏴☠️
some shrikes are also known as butcherbirds because of the habit, particularly of males, of impaling prey onto plant spines within their territories. These larders have multiple functions, attracting females and serving as food stores.
It would have cost you zero money not to post this
Wasn't someone saying "toot toot" and farting a part of Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide? Lol
Counterpoint: NTA - OP's house, OP's rules.