[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 7 points 6 months ago

That's very explicitly what the author of the manga was doing when they named it, by the way.

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 7 points 6 months ago

This isn’t any worse than manga misspelling words to show a character has an accent.

So, to provide some context, a couple of years ago, this specific manga got really, really popular on reddit's r/manga subreddit, and a bunch of fan translator groups picked it up. It was released on Twitter one page at a time, and at a certain point the number of translations got so out of hand that people eventually started making parody translations of it. This is one of those parody translations.

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 8 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

As much of a Berniebro that I was, I've come to realize that the Democratic party is horrifically balkanized. There's this expectation that the progressive wing of the party is supposed to hold its nose every year and vote for the neoliberal candidate. The problem is that this is not a two way street. Your hardliner party supporters that wanted a Clinton presidency wouldn't have voted for Bernie. I knew some of them in real life. The DNC actively and aggressively poisoned that particular well early on. Bernie wasn't a "potential candidate" - he was an enemy of Clinton. Plain and simple. They all said that if Bernie had gotten the nomination, they would have stayed home on election day.

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 7 points 6 months ago

a grand tradition of what to do with tyrants.

America as a nation was created by a subset of landed gentry who didn't like paying taxes. They wanted to make Washington king. The founding fathers were basically the Megamind meme where Tighten (yes, it's spelled Tighten, not "Titan") says to the Mayor of the city: "More like under new management."

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 20 points 6 months ago

The machine of neoliberal imperialism has created global instability and climate crisis, and the rich are locking down their spoils with right wing nationalism.

I want this on my tombstone so the alien archeologists that eventually visit our ruined husk of a world can know what happened.

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 11 points 7 months ago

It's a bitter pill to swallow, but the truth is that some people just aren't meant to be loved. I think accepting that is, for some people, a bit part of growing up and becoming a more mature person. You gotta stop being envious of others who possess something you never will and just kinda...get on with your life. Find a cause you care about. Put your energy elsewhere. Maybe stop watching romcom anime.

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 9 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

There’s always some obstacle that prevents the Democrats from delivering what they promise.

I mean, it's just so weird, isn't it? Like how it keeps happening every. single. time. Oh well, maybe if we try getting the Dems a majority, plus the Presidency, one more time we'll get a different result. That's a totally sane course of action, right?

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 7 points 7 months ago

Kinda wild to me Gerard Way went on to become a successful graphic novel author. Not a lot of people become so successful across two largely dissimilar artistic mediums. Anyway, I hope Gerard Way is doing Gerard Okay. He always seemed nice. I mean...sad, but nice.

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 8 points 7 months ago

Do you think Israel in this scenario is the Rebel Alliance or the Empire? Because you seem confused.

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 14 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

You're right. Israel was always there and then the Palestinians just showed up randomly one day and attacked them out of nowhere. There is no decades long history of apartheid and outright oppression of the Palestinian people by the state of Israel and this conflict has no roots in colonialism or ethnostate politics. /s

[-] rwhitisissle@sh.itjust.works 29 points 7 months ago

I’m really not sure I understand what point he’s trying to make.

The point is that there exists a fundamental dissonance between events as they transpire in fiction and for which the audience is emotionally invested and those same kinds of events as they happen in real life and the audience's perception of them as they happen in real life.

Star Wars was originally inspired by Lucas's perspective on the Vietnam War. The Storm Troopers are, in that sense, comparable to American forces killing unarmed Vietnamese farmers. Most Americans who saw Star Wars never made that connection because this is in conflict with the audience's internalized notion of "America good" and "America's enemies bad." As such, in watching and enjoying the story of Star Wars, you are ironically investing yourself into a narrative that inverts your normative ideological position. You can extrapolate this onto the current conflict in Ghaza without much effort.

First of all he’s equating fiction to reality which is ridiculous at the very least.

They are not being "equated" - they are being compared. He's making an implied comparison between fictional events and real world current events in order to highlight similarities between the two. Specifically, he's doing a form of comparison called "juxtaposition." Being able to do this is a very basic element of media literacy.

he took revenge on the people who actually killed his family

Well, no, the specific individuals who killed his family were probably the stormtroopers stationed on Tatooine, whom he never actually interacted with. The specific people onboard the Death Star that were not part of the Empire's military high command had virtually nothing at all to do with his family's death.

As opposed to taking revenge on people that just happened to be in the approximate vicinity of people who killed his family. The Death Star was a military base.

The individual in the image literally says that he "immediately joined the armed resistance and literally blew up the enemy base." Not sure what your point is here, unless you're implying that you believe that the Palestinians who are fighting against Israel are only attacking indiscriminate civilian targets and not military ones.

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