[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 167 points 9 months ago


They do indeed have more protein. The conclusion that it's for them to fall slower seems to be just a hypothesis

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 80 points 9 months ago

I listened to much of the interview on the radio. He touched on a lot of good points and then came to the absolutely wrong conclusion. He talked about how many writing rooms are "writing by committee" where jokes will go through a review by many different groups. If this is truly the case (I don't know) that is not an issue if the "far left mob" but rather the enshitification of comedy due to corporations and Wall Street bankrolling these productions wanting to ensure return on investment. This kills creativity by reducing risks. Topical comedy is a risky medium by default.

Also, shout out to Rob McElhenney for his sarcastic one word response. In Jerry's imagined world, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia can't exist.

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 136 points 9 months ago

What a wonderful rabbit hole to go down. My takeaways are it could possibly be used for knitting, but traditional spool knitting that the Grandma uses in the video doesn't show up in history until the 1500s. If the Romans did use it for gloves then knitting has been around much longer than we have evidence of or they were using a different method with the dodecahedron.

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 132 points 10 months ago

Can't afford a home, probably gonna be illegal to be homeless. Guess they should just kill themselves then.

Fuck the modern conservative movement. No empathy for the downtrodden.

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 75 points 10 months ago

I get the feeling they're trying to avoid martyrdom. He needs to go to prison for the big things, not on technicalities.

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 140 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Did a quick search to see if nutrition and ingredients were listed - they weren't. Saw a lot of "our products are super nutritious trust me bro" in their ads.

Actually makes me thankful of all the regulations our food suppliers have to follow in the US.

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 63 points 11 months ago

I question if you're American. No American I've ever met says "USA". It's always "US" or "Americans". USA is only said as a chant of pride.

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 81 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Republicans: The government needs to stop trying to be our babysitter

Also Republicans: this

Look up how she made his son buy back his own letters between him and his father.

Read up on Reagan and anti-trust. He essentially said that monopolies that resulted in lower prices were good for consumers and that the government would turn a blind eye to them. Hasn't been much change since then.

Opening a walled community is always good for the end users. Promoting competition is always good for the end users.

[-] ringwraithfish@startrek.website 115 points 1 year ago

Same energy as CEOs demanding workers return to the office

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