Microsoft Windows is heavily marketed and, for most of the general public that aren't aware of Linux, is a cheaper option compared to Apple/Mac/iOS.
I worked with/on Windows for two decades. Through those years I became more and more frustrated with the bugs and vulnerability to outside attacks. Windows is going to be attacked more, and for other reasons, because it is used by more people (a greater attack surface to exploit).
Back in 2008 I switched to Apple/Mac/iOS. I have never regretted it.
IF you have the time/knowledge (which most of the general public doesn't have) to use Linux, then I'd recommend it.
Please, stop with this 'fan-boy' shit about operating systems. Use logic and rational thinking which I believe that I've shown above.
I understand and completely agree from someone who is knowledgeable about this subject matter. However, MOST people are NOT. To clarify again, (and this is something that is getting very annoying to repeat over and over again) the general public have almost NO knowledge about the differences between operating systems.