I think to some extent this cadre is swinging at ghosts. They were presented with inconvenient (to them) truths and rejected them. Now they construct increasingly elaborate and nonsensical alternative reasons for things being the way they are. The consistent observable realities they are encountering get written off as malicious tools of an imagined enemy. So they lash out at anything that contradicts their world view, especially when it’s evidence based and not just opinion.
It’s a fight that will never end, because they live in reality, not their idea of it. This isn’t to excuse their behavior but to say that they’re not just evil and mean or carrying out some carful plan. They’re very much making things up as they go and picking new fights as they hit roadblocks. If left in power, they will slowly destroy everything attempting to make the world fit their preconceived notions.
Aldi nord and Aldi sud are two different companies (north and south), they split when two brothers disagreed on whether to sell cigarettes in the grocery store. The Aldi’s in the US are Aldi Sud.