[-] lexihexi 28 points 1 year ago

I second this and wanna add, that it’s also totally cool, to feel like switching into a different body whenever would be neat. Maybe being whomever you want to be whenever feels just right to you.

This is also attainable with outfits though honestly your appearance is completely secondary to how you personally feel about being your self.

Shapeshifters are just awesome characters anyway right?

[-] lexihexi 18 points 1 year ago

Looks comfy 🥰

[-] lexihexi 21 points 1 year ago

But what about the droid attack on the Wookiees?

[-] lexihexi 15 points 1 year ago

I wouldn’t have thought that discord would apply such good policies. Their target groups include transphobes and there will be a lot of moderating to do. It’s a really big step to make online gaming a safer space for everyone. 😊

[-] lexihexi 11 points 1 year ago

WLAN verbunden und Kadsen und Sonne sind die Phasen, die am meisten mit der Realität zu tun haben.

Hello there! (self.pangender)
submitted 1 year ago by lexihexi to c/pangender@lemmy.world

I was so happy to see, this community already existed. Pangender is such a cute and delicate label.

So I just wanna share what it means for me and hope we can get in touch here:

I first discovered the label bigender for me, cause I felt I switched from having low levels of dysphoria in man mode to very high levels every few months, where I felt transitioning mtf was the only way.

Being pansexual and attracted to enbies as well, I was curious why I wouldn’t allow that for my self. I than unraveled the nonbinary gender identity for myself

And by now I feel I am sometimes sorta genderfluid going through nb/man/women phases over a few days. But mostly one mode is dominant for a month or so, which is why pangender feels quite right to me. 🥰

(Obviously this is the short version. Figuring this out started ca. 5 years ago. I picked up pangender ca. 2 years ago and only over the last year I have finally started loving myself with the labels nb, trans and pangender(fluid).)

[-] lexihexi 18 points 1 year ago

Wow, Buschmann und das Justizministerium können sich nun also Queer- und Frauenfeindlichkeit durch aktives Vorschieben fandenscheiniger Bedenken auf die Fahne schreiben.

[-] lexihexi 15 points 1 year ago

Thank you for sharing your current struggles! I feel what you describe by a lot. I actively pushed back against my inner coming out for 2-3 years cause I was so afraid. And now somedays I’m really ok and other days, especially when there are social situations where I’m forced into my old shell, I feel horrible and like nothing will ever get better for me.

So, yeah I think that’s totally normal, also your fears of coming out are super understandable. I’m also afraid of a big coming out, so instead I go slow tiny steps. Wear slight makeup or very casual nail polish when I meet people who I slowly want to unlearn that I’m not the cis person they think I am (and I worked so hard to pretend to myself and everyone else I was).

Also concerning drastic changes, of course this feels like a lot, but we have always been who we are, so maybe these changes are just something to work through at whatever pace is possible right now.

To give you my timeline, I figured out I’m not cis in 2018. I actively ignored that cause it felt threatening to my live’s situs until 2021. I panicked so hard cause I did not understand gender as a spectrum and was also very convinced that medical changes are a must have. Mid 2022 I realised I’m nonbinary and somewhat genderfluid and since then I’m working on accepting myself. And only recently I felt maybe it’s not that big of a deal, cause I’m just me and it’s all gonna be ok.

I think you are on a great path to exploring yourself and I wish you all the best for it!! 💜

Feel free to ask me more questions and sorry for the wall of text.

submitted 1 year ago by lexihexi to c/warhammer40k@lemmy.world

Im so happy with this character model. 💜

Alt text: A Sci-Fi Eldar Harlequin Miniature. The Person seems to be floating and has an azure Crystal Pistol in their right hand pointed to the sky. Holds a pink staff with a grinning Clown skull on it in the left. The head is covered by a burning orange hood. The face is a smooth opal like surface. There are more scarves draped around thsi person which resemble the pan pride flag. The person wears tights which have diamond patterns resembling the trans pride flag and has two venetian masks hanging from their belt.

submitted 1 year ago by lexihexi to c/warhammer40k@lemmy.world

I never dared painting Harlequins. With 3 years painting experience this is my brave first attempt.

I am looking for advice for the backpack module (happily a pride flag theme) and the venetian masks.

The legs, which I'm most proud of are trans pride themed.

The chest and head are the old and the new Firefox logo colour scheme. And the "scarves" are pan pride and also the firefox mobile loading bar theme.

The gun coincidentally became MS Edge themed (bad Chrome bad!!) xD

submitted 1 year ago by lexihexi to c/tabletopminis@lemmy.world

I never dared painting Harlequins. With 3 years painting experience this is my brave first attempt.

I am looking for advice for the backpack module (happily a pride flag theme) and the venetian masks.

The legs, which I’m most proud of are trans pride themed.

The chest and head are the old and the new Firefox logo colour scheme. And the “scarves” are pan pride and also the firefox mobile loading bar theme.

Th gun coincidentally became MS Edge themed (bad Chrome bad!!) xD

[-] lexihexi 14 points 1 year ago

I don’t know the context of your post, but in the fediverse it is part of the netiquette not to judge other people, especially on such oversimplified terms.

Being obese is often not a great experience. I think being told „you can choose not to be a fat bastard“ is already insulting and also insinuating that this aspect of physical and or mental health is a simple matter of choice, which I find to be quite unbearable and very hurtful.

Please take your anger elsewhere. I don’t know what you might be going through right now, but you must find healthier ways to vent this aggression.

Instead of punishing others for their struggles, we can find healthy ways to support one another here.

[-] lexihexi 39 points 2 years ago

Jepp, die Fahrlässigkeit von modern Solutions müsste als DSGVO Verstoß geahndet werden.

Die ursprüngliche Abweisung der Anklage war eine super kompetente Entscheidung die Hoffnung macht.

Diese nun doch zuzulassen ist sinnbildlich wie eine Anklage wegen Körperverletzung bei 1. Hilfe-Maßnahmen.

Was die Staatsanwaltschaft da verzapft ist wirklich bitter. Und die Fa. treibt sich mit dem betreiben der Strafanzeige hoffentlich PR-technisch wohlverdient in den Ruin.

[-] lexihexi 11 points 2 years ago

That is quite a lot, and I really feel how all that can drag you down further.

I think a big chunk of the generation of our parents, who always demands that people should have some respect and be decent, have rapidly taken a more than conservative standpoint, indoctrinated by right wing news.

I am nb (but not very visibly) and I’m neither out to my parents nor my parents in law, cause I’m sure they’ll handle it just like your dad.

We obviously disagree on many topics though, so since I got my independence, I reduced contact to them when they constantly overstepped. This worked wonders, since they suddenly realised it’s more important for them to meet up with me/ us than blabbering anti-woke garbage.

Also, venting here and reaching out for support networks is always great when you are down (though all the harder to do, I know).

The political situation in your state is horrible, but we will prevail and things will turn for the better eventually. 💜

And concerning the weight part, I personally love to do martial arts, it’s an easy way to lose weight and gives you a sense of knowing how to defend yourself. I could imagine more queer people need dojos right now, so maybe there is a group to be found or founded already.

[-] lexihexi 12 points 2 years ago

It’s interesting how gun handling accidents are so symbolic for all self harming political action of conservatives.

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