[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 weeks ago

I think I read this post wrong.

I was thinking the sentence "We could be saving the world!" meant 'we' as in humans only.

No need to be training AI. No need to do anything with AI at all. Humans simply start saving the world. Our Research Papers can train on Reddit. We cannot be training, we are saving the world. Let the Research Papers run a train on Reddit AI. Humanity Saves World.

No cynical replies please.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 weeks ago

You still can't do it. this is pointless. have a nice day.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 weeks ago

I'll throw in my vote for Manjaro because while it's not perfect, it hits all of OP's points nicely.

  • arch based
  • hard to break (but not impossible)
  • biased a little towards Gnome but runs KDE and XFCE great too
  • uses a curated rolling release

The last point is the most important. Rolling release means it updates regularly, so your packages will be mostly up to date. Curated means they do testing in an unstable repository. If an update breaks something, those changes aren't pushed to stable.

I ended up with it after trying other distros but having trouble with my nVidia card. Manjaro's MHWD tool installed their drivers easily (although slightly confusing with its unnecessary checkboxes) and more recently, I've upgraded to AMD and never had a single issue.

It's not perfect but almost every issue I've had was located between the keyboard and the chair.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 3 weeks ago

usually was about $10 worth of stuff when it was with a trusted friend, if i had a spare clean needle that was worth $5 on its own. If it was a stranger or dealer, it was sometimes as high as $20 worth, again minus $5 for each needle if I had them.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 month ago

I was not aware of bathing causing dehydration but I can see how it makes sense. Thanks for the correction!

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 months ago

man -k libass

libass: nothing appropriate.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 months ago

is there a way to save commands from history? i tried to figure this out when i was starting to use linux regularly, to help learn commands and to make a reference for myself as to what the commands do. i'm familiar with things like man, info, tldr and others but i wanted to put things in my own words since i remember better that way.

what i'm wanting but can't seem to automate: -save commands from bash history to a file with only the command and arguments used, no line numbers or time stamps. -filenames can be kept, but if filenames are removable easily, that would be better. -file saved in should have the list sorted with any duplicates removed and happen after any terminal session ends. -i've read about changing the prompt but not done it correctly and not sure if possible or the safest way. -i've tried using .bash_logout but it doesn't seem to do anything and i'm not sure why.

this isn't too important anymore, as i've grown more comfortable with linux and bash but it bugs me that i never got it to work. i can copy and paste more detailed notes of what i tried but i'd need to redact a bunch of cursing and frustrated whining.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago

i got my amateur radio license (U.S. technician) about a month ago at a big convention. i was thinking of suggesting the hobby to the poster but first read through the comments, to check if it were suggested already. your initial advice is probably better. i'm realizing i overloaded myself and burned out during the time leading up to the test and now i'm not entirely sure why i tried getting the license in the first place. i still don't even have a radio. I think i wanted to learn more about electronics and one thing led to another. now my mind goes blank when i try to think about what to do. i'm not OP but found it to be good advice, thanks.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 4 months ago

tl;dr: if you think this is too long, don't read it.

near the end of 2004 i was given a computer that cost $100 at a garage sale. it had windows xp installed but it was not activated. i had also just gotten out of jail for amateur botany (growing weed) and was on probation. there were strict rules with probation and commiting any illegal act would have meant far worse sentences if i were caught. since i could not afford a windows key and did not wish to illegally pirate one as that put me at risk of prison (at least, in my head it did but this was unlikely) i looked for alternatives to windows. that led me to linux.

i should add that my memory of this time is not the best and any or all of this could be absurdly wrong but it's how i remember it, however incorrect that may be. my brain's memory does not work right.

at the time my only access to the internet was one hour at a time per day, through the local library. it was there that i tried to download linux onto a flash drive. i thought it could be installed like any regular windows program. i don't think there were linux distros that even had USB installation support back then, although that might have been a motherboard limitation. i used a 1gb flash drive and saved a .txt file to the drive which i had copied and pasted man pages into, like 'man man' among others.

i don't know what it was i downloaded for sure anymore but i believe it was a linux kernel, as in just the linux kernel source code. no DE or bootloader or anything else, i think it was a .tar.gz of source code in text files but i never figured out what to do with them. i didn't understand what a .tar.gz file was until years later. i believed they were linux somehow, that's all i understand. needless to say, i failed in my endeavor and that $100 computer ultimately became an oversized media player, forever in 'you need to activate this copy of windows' mode.

fast forward to 2009. i had completed my probation and finally was a rehabilitated citizen. i had established friendships with more tech savvy people than myself (but still not very tech savvy, they just played WoW a lot) and with their help, i built a computer from a tigerdirect barebones kit. one of my coworkers installed a copy of windows xp on it that did not need activation. i doubt it was a legitimate version but i was still too ignorant to care. i was reminded of linux at some point and to show off my newfound knowledge of computers, i decided to upgrade my system to a dual boot of windows 7 (courtesy of a local college) and linux mint. it was successful but i had also made friends with several gamers by then. linux gaming was fairly nonexistant at the time. i did log into the mint installation occasionally but i never did much with it and none of it involved the command line. i soon forgot about it entirely.

i built my second computer in 2012 and upgraded to windows 10, for free because i had started classes for computer science. i quickly learned that where i lived, IT jobs were non-existant unless you had military base security clearance, which was impossible for me due to my previous life of criminal gardening. i gamed heavily instead of attending classes and soon dropped out entirely. i spent a few years drinking heavily in a haze of depression. i quit drinking in 2016 and worked a minimum wage job a few years in a haze of depression.

by 2019 i had saved up enough to upgrade my computer. in the upgrade process i changed enough parts to trigger windows to believe i had an entirely new computer and it demanded i purchase a new copy of windows. i've learned since that there were ways around that and that i probably did not need to buy windows again but thanks to that and to my cheap, frugal nature, i decided to revisit linux once again. i installed linux mint. two days later my apartment was hit by 2 tornados, frying my power supply and bricking two of my three harddrives. one was a data drive with all my important personal files and the other drive had mint on it. i was left with a plain install of windows. this is when i learned how important backups are. it took me until nearly the end of the year to be able to afford a new power supply. early 2020 i spent a lot of time trying to recover accounts. because my landlord is a slumlord i was fixing a lot of my apartment as well.

in march of 2020 my mom gifted me my first smartphone. it was an android phone which reminded me of my linux journeys in days of old. i bought an SSD and a couple flash drives with a tax return. i started downloading distros while also downloading all the apps in the google play store. i rather quickly acquired malware on the phone which in turn spread to windows i think. within a couple days time, the pandemic lockdowns began, i became unemployed, my internet was shut off, my phone wouldn't work and all i had was a flash drive with a few iso files of 64 and 32 bit linux distros. without internet, i had to rely on man pages to learn things. i couldn't download anything. i couldn't search the internet for help. i had lost my drivers license back in 2004 and while i had gotten it back, i had not been able to afford a car so i couldn't drive to friends houses or the library for help. it was not a pleasant experience. there is no direction to the man pages. if i didn't know something, i probably didn't learn it. it did not help that i had an nvidia gpu.

i've been mostly using manjaro kde with moderate success since winter of 2021. i tinkered with a few other distros and made all the rookie mistakes. i really enjoyed puppy linux and always have a version or three on a flash drive and play with it from time to time. i've learned a lot and unlearned some bad behaviours. i quit videogames entirely as well as tv and movies, so i could focus more on learning. i still barely know what i'm doing and i make mistakes often. they aren't critical mistakes at least now and i have a backup system that's almost good enough.

last year it was determined that i am developmentally disabled. my memory, meaning the kind in carbon not silicon, doesn't like to work properly. i tend to use repetition to force it into long term memory. numbers don't process well either but i'm not counting that. the previous sentence should demonstrate that my sense of humor is also probably affected.

this became far longer than i expected. my linux journey has not been conventional. it has not been positive until recently but mostly due to my own mistakes and ignorance. if i could change something, i would have asked people for help more. i hope you enjoyed reading it and thank you for your time. have a nice day.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 7 months ago

your comment is innacurate and does not add to this discussion in my opinion.

i do not trust ford for many reasons beyond the invasion of privacy outlined here. while i never stated it explicitly as the reason for my mistrust of ford, i'm well aware that all car companies do data trading/selling and that details of the extent are largely unknown outside the shady data brokerage world. at no point did i state that they did not or that there are companies that do not.

this example is an example of what i feel is a company that went too far, by extracting data from the vehicle without informing me they were doing it. a vehicle which was brought to their authorized dealer, to repair their faulty parts, which they were deemed responsible for after numerous complaints and fatal accidents, some involving children falling out of the vehicle after the doorsprings malfunctioned, even when the doors appeared to be locked, while the car was moving in excess of 60mph. this was not the first recall for the issue either. it was the second for all doors except for the back/trunk door, where it was the third.

that is still irrelevant information though. the car was no longer under their warranty, it was purchased used. i gave no permission for them to do anything beyond the necessary and required repairs which came about due to their negligence. i signed no contract with them. i was supplied with no terms or conditions.

if i went to the doctor to get my appendix removed, i would not expect to wake up and learn the doctor decided to do a colonoscopy just for shits and giggles, even if it did detect something critical. if i mentioned my grandparents address while going under with aenesthesia, i would not expect the doctor to send them an offer addressed to me, to purchase my tonsils.

at no point did i make the claim that anyone could buy a car without it selling data of the purchaser. until now, where i will state that yes, you absolutely can buy a car that is not selling data. any car being sold that isn't younger than me will not be selling any data, unless major customization was performed because they would be far too old. the technology didn't exist 40+ years ago.

what motivation was behind your assumptive and half false comment?

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 9 months ago

i would compete in a race.

[-] lattrommi@lemmy.ml 1 points 10 months ago

i recently learned on my android phone that after i disabled the default mapping app [google "maps"] it gave me the option to open maps from websites and other apps in one of the different mapping apps i had installed at the time: StreetComplete, Organic Maps [both OSM-based] and Randomnautica [which defaults to and re-enabled google "maps"] and gave options to open once in app chosen or to use it every time.

i am not sure if you use android, this is moot on desktop and others. commenting with the hope it might help someone someday. i hope this post isn't too old to be commenting on.

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