[-] jzzvid 2 points 1 month ago

Theres always adding visine to your abusive husbands coffee

[-] jzzvid 2 points 1 month ago

No, I don't think you understand it fully. That's what the legal minorities and children are for. Ask rural folk over 60 if they had a job as a child and you'll got a Lt of answers like "I worked picking tomatoes when I was 10."

The rich get to go to private school, the poor get to sell their children off to robber barons. You would not believe how many parents out there are eager for this too. A good portion of the GOP are abusers that dont really care about their children and if they can force their children to go out and get a job so they can take their paychecks, they will.

That's why they are pro-birth and anti-education. This is why we still dont have year-round schooling because "traditionalists" want to be able to make use of child labor.

If you dont think it is coming, almost every red state has attemptdd to repeal their states child labor laws for agricultural and factory work.

[-] jzzvid 2 points 2 months ago

Yeah, I use Lemmy on and off, especially since I deleted my Reddit. I hope the problem just goes away since there was nothing I did that I recall which would have caused it. Perhaps a bug report is in order. If it doesn't go away is a week or so I might put in some effort to migrate to KDE Plasma, but I would rather not.

Also I subbed to your taur community!

[-] jzzvid 2 points 10 months ago

That's the entire Right. You cannot win them on the grounds of good-faith, truthfulness, or humanity because their politics is solely about power. Conservative politics are the politics of abusers—litterally everything they wish to "conserve" within society includimg "tradition" is their freedom and ability to abuse. That's it:

Family values is not about creating healthy families, it is about patriarchy and the right of the parents to abuse their children.

Defending the sanctity of marriage is about defining LGBTQ people out of legal rights and entitlements.

School choice is about controlling what ideas not just their children are exposed to but their neighbors as well.

Etc. Etc.

Every conservative position is a bad faith push to further their ability to control the lives others and their ideas deserve neither respect nor a platform.

[-] jzzvid 2 points 10 months ago

Most conservatives are pedophiles or other abusers. Abuse is what they are conserving.

[-] jzzvid 2 points 11 months ago

That is the other end of this. No matter how absurd their beliefs are, they will believe them over the facts. No amount of numbers or data will convince them because they have already decided what is true and believe through faith. Republican voters are abusers, pure and simple. They will vote in the manner that maximizes their power and for them that means "parental rights" so they can abuse their own wives and children. It means removing abortion and forcing women to marry their rapists. It means discriminating against and throwing out queer folk in jail to make an example of them and scare others into "integrating" into their "culture" which is nothing more than a breeding program for extra workers.

The challenge is getting normal folks to see that the Republic ideal is a police state enforcing a theocratic breeding and political education program upon the masses and implementing it through the extreme violence against those who dissent.

This isn't conjecture: their biggest mouthpieces like Bannon, Steve Miller, Chris Rufo, Nick Fuentes, and others who form the ideological core of the "new" Republican parties not only admit it, but vocally advocate it. When they speak, may we should listen and believe it when they tell us who they really are.

[-] jzzvid 2 points 11 months ago

They are being "ran off" because they no longer hold muster and they refuse to provide any new ideas. This is how the marketplace of ideas work. Their ideas failed and are being rejected because they are unserious. Now they are demanding these ideas which have failed to be inserted back into the academic space by force.

If only there were other opinions and ideas we could discuss implementing other than "liberalism" and "conservatism" but academics won't let other ideas replace those in the marketplace because the failures are refusing the leave the square and are threatening violence if they don't get their way.

Don't both sides this. They weren't banned. They weren't mobbed. They lost and refused to leave.

[-] jzzvid 2 points 1 year ago

Blocked. We're not here to debate our right to exist. Your agenda is genocide and it's right to inoculate children against your fascist brainworms. Go buttchug Mr. Ed's Miracle Paste in someone else's comments.

[-] jzzvid 2 points 1 year ago

The best thing we can do with parents like that is don't even bother to out them in a home. Let them work themselves to death or die on the streets. They get what they earn.

[-] jzzvid 2 points 2 years ago

The Hippocratic Oath doesn't apply now. It's just an empty ceremony they do to get their degree and certifications, butnit has now actual authority.

The Hippocratic Oath also says that doctors cannot require payment for their services either. It is literally incompatible with the institutions of capitalism. Doctors do decline patients on the basis they cannot pay.

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