Wo ich es auch legitim fände, ihn einzuladen
Ik kenn dir doch‽ Du bist doch der rechte Troll aus dem anderen Thread? Und, liegt der Titeledit auch daran, dass das Original ein linkes Gesinnungsblättchen ist?
Merriam Webster:
from whence
: from what place, source, or cause
no one could tell me from whence the gold had come
—Graham Greene
Are 10 minutes not minutes to you? Should I've said 1/6 of an hour?
I posted a video already of the process, you can hear loud, audible hissing. This is not a slow leak. Here is another one:
And here is a blog post talking about doing this as a prank, claiming it takes about 2 minutes of time. It's the same process as letting air out using a screwdriver to push down the valve pin.
Are you claiming that takes hours, too?
I've not done this, nor do I intend to, but your claim that someone is going to come to their car, not notice the tyres are and have been loudly hissing for hours, drive away and crash on a highway are, quite frankly, ridiculous.
We're not talking about a slow leak, were talking about putting a pebble (or lentil) into the valve cap and screwing it on. That pushes down on the valve, opening it up. I've personally witnessed that at a protest, being done to some idiot who was honking and insulting people walking by. A group of people walked up to his car and did exactly that, by the time police where interviewing him a few minutes later his tyres where noticably starting to flatten.
Here's a video demonstrating the process: https://youtube.com/watch?v=K0fq_kJHIWw
It'll take a couple minutes for the tire to be completely flat. If they drive past that, they're not making it to the highway. If you're doing it on a car that'll drive away within minutes, there's likely an agent nearby and you've got bigger problems.
Your internal meetings constitute legitimate interests and will be shared with our 8 billion partners
[ ok ]
Unfortunate url, couldn't they have spared a hyphen?
But yes, BDS all the way. Don't let the Apartheid state get away with their genocide.
Bumped into someone at the grocery store? You know it, straight up deported
If they're not in a rush
If they want to go fast, they hop