you mean "use its full potential?"
you mean "use its full potential?"
Foah grod zur arbeit dass i wieder an am thema arbeitn kann, wo as ganze team scho weiß dass nix draus wird... scho gscheid erfüllend
battery degradation?
you mean instead of playing the game, i could pay you to not play the game i'm playing instead?
sign me up
Meanwhile Google search results:
It also says "DE" next to the logo, so yeah.
From a grid stability point, you can't produce more than is used, else you get higher frequencies and/or voltages until the automatics shut down. It's already a somewhat frequent occurence in germany for the grid operator to shut down big solar plants during peak hours because they produce way more power than they can dump (because of low demand or the infrastructure limiting transfer to somewhere else)
Negative prices are the grid operator encouraging more demand so it can balance out the increased production.
proposal to rename exit() to oh_shit_oh_shit_oh_shit()
Ich_Im Echten Leben
A very literal translation of me_irl. Most memes are just regular english memes, literally translated without any regard for gramatical correctness.
It was initially presented as the all-problem-solver, mainly by the media. And tbf, it was decently competent in certain fields.
How about 4•1k?