I've tried a couple of vegan cheese things, and they haven't been very good. In particular, none of them melt like animal cheese.

I'm of the school of thought that trying to replicate carnist food with your vegan products is pointless, you should make unique vegan dishes that are good on their own instead. However, I really miss delicious goodness that I can melt on top of my food.

Do any comrades have good products or ideas?

It's my favorite thread! meow-fiesta

I've had an interesting couple of weeks because I moved to a new place, and also my girlfriend kind of moved in with me. Like she's not living her all the time, but she has some stuff here, comes over every weekend at least, and also left her Blahaj in my bed. I really like her, but honestly I'm a little bit nervous. This is like my first serious relationship where I'm an adult with my own place and a job and stuff, and I don't want to mess things up. But I have known her for a while, it's not like we rented a UHaul after the second date. She was here for most of last week, and after she told me that my place felt more like home to her than anywhere else she could go. Which is like adorable and wonderful and sweet, but also scary. I think everything will be good tho, we're good at talking things through and stuff.

Also this is funny: I live in a weird old house that's been divided into three apartments, and every apartment now has a lesbian couple living in it. What are the odds? Or is this some sort of strange plot by my landlord? Maybe he's got a house of bisexual grad students or skinny-white-guys-who-smoke-weed-and-watch-movies down the street.

lol I think that's pretty common. My guess is that many of the women who lose all sex drive may be on a high anti-androgen and a low estrogen dose, which maybe isn't the best. Things will probably calm down once you've adjusted tho.

That's an incredible price for 16gb of memory and a 512 ssd. Would be an upgrade from my 14" laptop. I just hope I don't have to wait multiple years to get it.

I was the saddest man alive, and now I'm like a twink with boobs, but whatever, I'm still much happier.

Yes, it will get better over time. You are using an entirely new operating system. Things are different, but aren't that hard to learn.

My big tip for installing Linux is to use the package managers when possible. Every distro comes with at least one package manager, which can install many pieces of software. On Ubuntu, there are two: snap and apt. (Yes, this is confusing. Canonical is trying to change the way they package software, and it has made their distro harder to use).

Also, what kind of software are you installing that requires different permissions or ports? If you're trying to set up servers you many be better off with a different approach.


I have a cheap electric grinder which doesn't go very fine, and is also loud, and takes up too much space in my little apartment. I would love to have a hand powered grinder that's not too big, but also could grind fine enough to make a decent moka brew. Is this possible? Does anyone have any models to look at?

I have this hazy, memory from when I was about 8. I was exploring a peat bog, which was fun because everything was soft and squishy and I could just run around. I saw some weird looking bushes, and decided to go check them out. But, as I ran up, it turned out there were growing over this sort of wet hole, where maybe there was a spring or something. I suddenly fell about 8 feet, and was in this mud pit slowly sinking. Luckily, I managed to grab some of those bushes I'd seen, and pull myself out. But it was very hard, because the mud was pulling me down like quicksand. Eventually, I crawled back out on the bog, covered in mud.

Nobody I was with remembers this, and honestly it might not be real. Childhood experiences are super weird.

Just fork Lemmy if the mods are really so evil? Idk why people get so worked up about the politics of the authors of open source software. If the revolution ever comes, the software written by liberals will be very useful for Cybersyn 2.0

Hi, I'm mtf, but in tech, so maybe I can be a bit helpful.

I'm thinking you may be right that a lot of guys are stealth. It's very hard to be stealth mtf in tech because there are already not many women. At my company, there are three women in engineering, me and two cis lesbians. So I kinda stick out. But it would be pretty easy to be unremarkable if you pass as a man. I actually know (well, talk-to-on-the-internet) at least one stealth trans guy in tech, so you do exist. Tech is relatively cool with queer people, depending on the area, so I don't think being stealth is a requirement for a successful career.

I really like software engineering as a career for two reasons. First, something about my brain (autism?) Makes solving little puzzles on my computer and putting together virtual systems super satisfying. And also, software is one of the easiest ways to a stable career. Like what other field can get you a 6 figure salary with a 4 year degree? And honestly office work is pretty easy as long as you work for a chill company. Money and stability are big advantages when you're trans.

I'm sure you already know this, but there are lots of good careers in tech outside of programming. Some good examples are cyber security, cloud/sre/devops, and data scientist. You can get into all of these with a bachelor's degree, but some you can do with an associate's instead and save two years.

But, like, I guess the job market is weird and messed up rn, so maybe the more education the better. But even with the tech layoffs there are stuff tons of jobs out there. Sure, you might have to work at a bank instead of Google, but it's still a stable, well-payed office job. Don't get discouraged by silly undergrad cs students who are doomer about everything because they didn't get the Facebook internship.

I'm totally down to answer more questions if you want or chat about tech. Good luck figuring out your path through dystopian late capitalism!

The point of the post is to introduce you to async Rust libraries, not to prove that Rust is the best language for web dev.

But actually I'm afraid most of your comment is incorrect because the best language for web development is sml.

I always thought Lydia is a nice name

need another trans girl to teach me Haskell fr

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