Shameless plug -
The very same
That is a terrible idea. The basic privacy advice is to use end to end encryption wherever possible.
his family is obviously devastated
Maybe it might even be a slam dunk life insurance payout.
GIF of woody harrison crying and drying his tears with US $100 bills.
bUt iF MeXiCo sIgNs a dEfEnSe pAcT WiTh gUaTeMaLa tHeN ThAt's bAsIcAlLy aN AtTaCk oN Us! AnD We'lL NuKe tHeM If wE'Re aTtAcKeD.
Oh my god! They're going to be so embarrassed. I mean that's a crazy accident. /s
Wait till they learn about seahorses
It's our best chance at the moment. Because the court is only going to go more right for the rest of our lifetimes.
Thanks for the alt text. Catbox is blocked for me.
No longer letting my family member rants about [insert today's Russian propaganda] go unchallenged.
- Crime is going up. Oh no, can you show me a chart with a source? Can't be just something you find on the internet (they're always ranting that you can't trust the internet).
- You can't trust the weather reports. They're just using the internet to make all that stuff up. Explain how the internet allows for a 100 fold increase in sensors that can report back to a centralized meteorology facility for number crunching
- Ukraine shot first Explain a timeline of the Ukraine war
- Moon landing was faked. (I actually like this argument the best because it's been so thoroughly debunked)
One of the many reasons why I lost all faith in a person when I realize they're a conspiracy theorist.
The goddamn government tracking plans are on fucking wikipedia and they're worried about chips injected in a vaccine from some twitter shitpost.
I think people will change their mind when presented with facts