Pins, clothing, jewelry can bring that back.
French die for Glory. L'Amour c'est fungible.
Your experience was the opposite of mine, no kissing taking place at all, just pure focus on the johnson.
"The agenda flag", nice job spell correct. 🤪
England has explicitly had a non-autocratic king since 1215, the idea that the King of England "owned everything" is ahistorical.
Do some research on the British East India Company before you're so sure about how things worked in India. It was the first multinational, and it ran India as a profit center.
One thing I find interesting about your comments is that you're using a very Marxist framework to talk about pre-capitalist modes of organization (which is reductionist and partly why he is not taken seriously as a sociologist in most settings).
Discoloration. I have two areas on my cheeks that don't blush right any more.
I feel like it fell into the same trap as W&G; exactly like she described, her gay best friend disappears from the narrative as soon as he's not immediately needed, and in the end it's about her needs and her growth.
So her friend was closeted in 2009 and has a master's degree. That's all we know! Is his boyfriend like her? Not like her? How did he feel about their period living in separate cities? Is he happier now?
The reader is presumed not to care, the story is about the woman, and he's a prop.
It was really unstable during the first big reddit abandonment.
Realizing that Christianity was essentially a religion commissioned by an emperor to consolidate his rule, then that the most common version today was commissioned by a king to consolidate his rule... Yeah, kind of makes you skeptical.
Religions of peace get extinguished by the violent ones. That's why you don't see any.
My live for you is like a truck
"Me too, let's make out and adopt a pit bull"