you're going to get lip service and faux sympathy, but at least you got them talking about it. this is a clear example of how the only thing the american people have left to create change is violence.
and this is the problem. where would our society be if we had funded solutions to human suffering instead of mechanisms to make a few rich? we have to take the steering wheel back from the owners.
incorrect. science is a method to measure reality and come to conclusions based on fact. it has no bias.
JESUS CHRIST THIS THREAD GOT BURIED FAST. I usually just lurk around here but when I saw this, I had to create an account to be able to post. THIS. This is the thread we need to be talking about. Science.
Letting money outweigh knowledge was where we went wrong, and we can get back there if we just trust in science tempered by the humanities. Please keep talking about this. Please don't let this thread slide off the first page. This should be our rallying cry.
then you have nothing to lose. join the resistance.