Our previous CTO left by saying "I have enough money now. Peace out!"
literally visible from space.
Bees are like carpenters, they carry a knife but you're not worried they might stab you for no reason.
Wasps are like meth heads.
This is turning a generation of people tech illiterate. The young people I interact with are smart because they're all employed by a tech company and mentored by us dinosaurs, but I've heard some horror stories of the tech literacy of the average young person.
Touchscreen was a mistake.
Math: "when are we ever gonna use any of this in real life!?"
Later: "why didn't they teach us how taxes work!?"
Shutting down the nuclear plants is probably the worst thing the Germans have done. At least it's in the top3.
3000 files seems like an arbitary amount. Nothing's preventing you from creating a file for each passing millisecond.
Don't you just hate it when you're building a pipeline and your mouse skips a few pixels and you end up with kinks?
might be controversial, but I think toddlers shouldn't be homeless.
oak month (or central month if you don't use current meaning of the word)
pearl month
ground month
clearing the forest of trees for field month
planting seed month
summer month (or plowing month by original meaning)
hay harvesting month
grain harvesting month
autumn month
muddy month
death month
yule month
If pets can travel in the cargo hold hopped up on benzos and ketamine, why can't babies? Or me?
Linux is second nature to us IT people, so it's easy to forget that the average person probably only knows basic shell scripting and how to build programs from git repos.