[-] axum 25 points 1 week ago

They now want to deport her for hurting his feelings.

Link to the stupidity

[-] axum 27 points 3 weeks ago

This isn't something that should really be set by users of an app. It should be set by you, as you will be the one to handle user feedback and bug reports.

That being said, bigger releases are a challenge from a debugging report standpoint because you are introducing many more changes in each release compared to a smaller number of charges in more frequent releases. This is why many devops teams in corporate land try to keep releases smaller and more frequent (see also: Agile Development)

[-] axum 27 points 2 months ago

Welcome to the eventual mirror image in the USA upcoming next year.

Due to tariffs, groceries will go up but no one will blame Trump for any of the idiotic things he will do that will work towards ruining our economy.

Russian media manipulation was simply a proving ground before implementing it in the USA.

[-] axum 20 points 2 months ago

Alternately, you might consider using a Universal Blue image, which is a spin of silverblue that includes a lot of nice goodies like this as well as the full version of ffmpeg, Gpu drivers and some other nice things out of the box.

[-] axum 48 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Hyprland needs a real fork and rebrand so that it's not run by fascists.

Edit: because people want sources. Vaxry is:

[-] axum 30 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Bazzite, since you're gaming.

It's truly the dark horse that is phenomenal that doesn't get enough attention if you're focused on gaming

The included distrobox software can effectively let you run any other distro in a nice container and install things as well.

[-] axum 36 points 4 months ago

It's 2024, I think we can move on from cringe systemd hating.

This is like being still angry that Windows 7 is heavier than windows XP.

[-] axum 26 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)


Doesn't look dead to me.

Are you wanting monthly updates or something?

I don't get why people freak out if they don't see constant updates. Is this the result of Fortinite updates on one's brain?

[-] axum 29 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

You'll be shocked to know that bluesky is open source then and PDS is well on its way to allowing you to host your own instance.

[-] axum 34 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Vaxry is yes, and also is a nazi sympathizer.

Which is one of several reasons why FreeDesktopOrg banned him from using any resources

[-] axum 31 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Hyprland's lead developer is very toxic, and attempting to interact with them on their discord is a recipe for a bad time.

[-] axum 56 points 5 months ago

The 'block element' picker is the big one that can not be implemented in the lite version.

Also included block lists can't update unless the extension itself updates.

If you're not stuck on chrome due to workplace policy or something, now is the time to switch to Firefox

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