AFAIK it's been a challenge some people did on... twitter I think?
Basically it's "Tell me you're XYZ without telling me you're XYZ" and people responded with funny answers.
At some point that got turned around and people satrted to use that sencence structure to indicate that the thing they are commenting on would have been a great answer for that challenge.

It took quite some liberty with the "pixels" in the eyes. 😅

[-] 133 points 1 day ago

Tell me you work in the US without telling me you work in the US.

[-] 63 points 3 days ago

I can recommend the "Behind the Bastards" (podcast) episode on Steve Jobs.
What a weird... weird man.

[-] 26 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

lol, is that this "small government" and the oh so free market that we keep hearing so much about?

[-] 39 points 4 days ago

Love the image of wheeds just popping up all over your garden where you don't want them.
It's a great metaphor for the "HEY, TRY THIS NEW THING!" shit microsoft pulls.

[-] 19 points 4 days ago

Additionally much software (and hardware even more) primarely targets windows as a platform. The way printers mostly "just work"™ on Linux still amazes me, because printer vendors have all the incentives to make their stuff work for the most used platform, which sadly isn't Linux right now.

[-] 98 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Thanks for this island of cute happiness among all the doom and gloom. This is nice.

[-] 123 points 4 months ago

In case you are serious: It's probably not.
When you're not careful with parallel processing / multithreading, you can run into something called a "race condition", where results of parallel computations end up in the wrong order because some were finished faster than others.
The joke here is that whoever "programmed" this commic is bad at parallel progmming and got the bubbles in the wrong order because of that.
The image makes perfect sense if you read it in the order 3, 1, 2.

[-] 102 points 6 months ago

I am not 100% convinced that this is satire...
Gumbies isn't real... Right?

[-] 101 points 7 months ago

Do golfers do anything themselves? Like, they have people to hand them the clubs, cart to drive (or be driven) around in and now they can't even take their own beer with them for their long and soo uncomfortable travels in the green desert?

[-] 226 points 9 months ago

I mean the video didn't just "accuse" him, it showed actual evidence and a metric fuckton of it.

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