[-] Zero22xx 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And now they're apparently starting to set up shop on Lemmy too. Before I blocked it, I saw they're on their best behaviour too. But mark my words, once the dating and flirting period is over, their shoes are going to come off and their feet are going to be up on the table.

I would've hoped that by now everyone would've learnt their lesson to never trust or listen to these people again. They flat out lie when they're talking about things like 'freedom' and once they're in power, they serve themselves and fuck over everyone else in society. And their leaders, that they don't mind associating with and supporting are a bunch of inbred kiddie fiddlers and have been since long before Trump. And yet here we are again, letting them have a seat at the table.

These people cannot be fucking trusted. And I'm willing to bet that they're going to be a source of a lot of downvote trolling too, in queer communities and women-centric communities.

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 3 weeks ago

I've seen about 3 pop up in All so far. And I just block them as they appear.

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 3 weeks ago

I dual boot and still use Windows 10. And everything I've seen from Windows 11 just seems like trash to me. My mother got a new laptop about a year ago and I came along to help her set it up. With her previous laptop, I opted to not do the free update to Windows 10 because people were complaining about it at the time (and I was still on Windows 7), so she ended up stuck with Windows 8.1 for years. So this time I did opt for the free update to Windows 11 and it feels like a huge mistake so far.

Her machine is now slow and struggles to get things up and running. And every single fucking time she tries to use it, it decides to run virus scans and download and install updates all at the same time. And these updates often seem to take an entire day. The last update took two days where she could barely do anything on her laptop because it was slowing things up so much.

And that all makes the frustration add up when you come across the other fucking stupid things they've done. So now when you right click on the desktop there's a few seconds where Windows needs to get its shit together to show you the new useless menu that's been slapped on top of the old useful menu. Then you need to click 'show more options' for the actual useful menu. Then another few seconds for Windows to get its shit together to load that menu.

And I don't want to load a bunch of stuff like classic shell or winaero tweaker because she's old and just wants to play hidden object games and solitaire. So I'm going to have to come running every time something happens that she doesn't understand. So I prefer leaving it vanilla.

But fuck Windows 11. It's absolute fucking garbage based on my experience so far. I was going to hold out for the inevitable Windows 12 because Microsoft seem to love using their paying customers as beta testers with every second OS they release but now I'm not so sure. Hoping there will be some sort of hack to keep enterprise updates coming or something.

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 4 weeks ago

Labels are useful for when you're questioning things and looking for where you belong in the world. They provide key words that can lead you to more information and communities of more people like you. This user is just looking for where they belong without feeling like an imposter or fraud.

I do agree that people shouldn't hang on labels and revolve everything around labels though. They're tools and guidelines but ultimately only the individual can define how they really feel and who they really are.

[-] Zero22xx 12 points 4 weeks ago

Oh yeah on that I agree. I was merely trying to provide context for South Africa's love for Russia but honestly, the Soviet Union and Russia aren't even the same country. But people on the ground who aren't that well educated or versed in history don't see it that way.

Interesting to hear about Sweden. I can't say they or any of the Scandinavian countries have ever come up in history class or even really featured much in geopolitical shenanigans involving South Africa for as long as I've been alive and able to form memories.

May I ask where you get the stats from? Not out of doubt, I'm just interested. And trying to search "ANC apartheid era funding" wasn't very helpful.

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 4 weeks ago

Interesting question. Not something that was taught in school or that I've really seen discussed. Going by the Wikipedia article on the ANC, it would appear that the answer is the Soviet Union, as I would've expected:

The animosity of Western regimes was partly explained by the Cold War context, and by the considerable amount of support – both financial and technical – that the ANC received from the Soviet Union.

I can't see it being the USA considering that both Mandela and the ANC were on US terror watch lists from what looks like the 1960s up until 2008.

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 1 month ago

I read somewhere (but have no verification of this fact to offer) that the person in the picture isn't even the one doing this and it's a weird stalker / revenge situation going on here.

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This is most likely from the DCAU, either Justice League or Justice League Unlimited. Bruce and Diana had a very short lived little courting thing going on or whatever you would call it. And Diana was a bit more forward with it while Bruce was his usual gruff self. They didn't actually get together though.

Edit: so animation

Edit 2: "courting". I took my monocle off and realised the word I was looking for was "flirting".

[-] Zero22xx 12 points 1 month ago

As in "getting their shit done."

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 1 month ago

So glad that free speech has been restored.

[-] Zero22xx 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

My heart goes out to all the good people that are going to suffer too, who have to share a country with people that threw them under the bus and sold them out for cheaper eggs that we all knew weren't going to happen.

Edit: it would be nice if you could repurpose deleted comments when you change your mind about replying, seeing as that 'deleted by creator' now hangs around forever anyway.

[-] Zero22xx 11 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I want something between 'feature phones' and smartphones. A little bit like what Nokia had to offer with Symbian and Maemo but more modern. If you want a rectangle of glass that requires wireless proprietary everything and replacing every time the battery starts packing up, more power to you, I'm a fan of choice and options.

But I want to be able to buy a music phone with great speakers and toys like FM transmitters thrown in. Or a gaming phone with a d-pad, a, b, x, y and shoulder buttons. But like, with Firefox instead of Opera Mini. And social media apps and shit.

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