[-] Zero22xx 7 points 3 weeks ago

"Stop discriminating against me and judging me and saying bad things about me! Also, you're going to burn and suffer for all eternity in hell because of who you're attracted to."

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 3 weeks ago

One thing at least is that when you search "Reddit alternatives", most articles that I came across seemed to make out like Lemmy is the best option in terms of amount of users and not being advertised explicitly as a "free speech and censorship free platform", which we all know really means "bigots are welcome here." In fact when I was searching Reddit alternatives, it seemed to me that Lemmy is really the only option.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 3 weeks ago

Omg, I can just imagine and I'm glad that I wasn't here. Probably wouldn't have been able to keep my mouth shut and would probably be banned from a bunch of places by now. Especially world communities, I get the impression those moderators would've been very busy making sure no men's feelings were hurt.

It makes me think that there's a lot more teens and early 20 somethings on this platform than I thought. Because on Reddit, the majority of the "man or bear" stuff that I saw was through screenshots in feminist subs. And I got the impression that the people who were freaking out the most about it were teenagers and grown men that can't think for themselves who treat the words of people like Rogan as gospel. And I don't see too many Rogan fans around here.

Honestly, now that I think about it, that would make sense and explain a couple of little annoyances I've had here on this platform.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 4 weeks ago

As someone that stopped watching WWE years ago, never watched much AEW but saw this all happening online, the Cody Rhodes thing makes me feel like I woke up in a parallel universe one day. I've always liked the guy but never in my wildest dreams would've thought of him as a top tier babyface and someone that gets to beat Brock Lesnar clean. Especially neck tattoo Cody Rhodes, I honestly thought he was shooting himself in the foot with that move. Obviously not though.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I might have forgotten certain details or scenes and so I might need to rewatch some of these.

But I'm gonna agree with 'My Neighbour Totoro'. And I'm pretty sure 'My Neighbours the Yamadas' is also generally pretty feel good and trying to be about life's lessons (despite the similar titles, these two aren't related or at all similar).

Also I may be mistaken but I think 'The Cat Returns' is generally just a whimsical fantasy without too much of the deep and heavy stuff. Although that's kinda a loose sequel to 'Whisper of the Heart' (iirc), which isn't a feel bad movie but is fairly philosophical and heart wrenching at times.

Then I would also agree with 'Ponyo'. And I'm gonna add 'Earwig and the Witch', which is one of the only Ghibli movies where people are split on even liking it or not. I liked it personally. Not expecting you to. But from what I can remember, it's not that deep and is more on the fun side.

Just want to say, about 'Kiki's Delivery Service', I don't know if I would've classed it as completely feel good. Maybe that's a personal thing though. It's more like a "get real" kind of movie for me personally.

spoilerTo me (and this is what I like about it), it doesn't have a happily ever after, it's pretty open ended. The movie basically just says that some people will get you, others will make you feel like an alien. And sometimes you'll go from feeling happy to feeling like shit for no good reason and what you need is to step away for a while. She even says in her letter to her parents at the end that sometimes her confidence still slips but mostly she's doing ok.

Also, she doesn't understand her cat anymore at the end, even after she's got her magic back. Which is supposed to mean that she's growing up but it's still sad. Or bittersweet at least.

'Kiki's Delivery Service' is my favourite Ghibli film, in case you can't tell.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago

Thank you! I will take a good look at that a little later when I'm in front of my laptop. Kind of a useless reply but I don't want to come across like I'm ignoring this either while I still go on shitposting elsewhere.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I think there's about 3 different communities in Blåhaj that are for asexual, aromantic, agender people, or combinations thereof.

There appears to be no active asexual community

This seems to be a hurdle that Lemmy needs to get over in general. Communities are inactive because any new users checking them out see no activity and go elsewhere. So it's a catch 22 or vicious circle or whatever. I'm guilty of this too.

But really, these communities will never become active if everyone keeps doing this. It has to start somewhere. I'm willing to bet that if you choose one of the Blåhaj communities, you'll probably get responses from other people that have been waiting for more activity too.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

can't function in society where random individuals can freely reject their statements, so they need the internet to hide away from life.

Show me where in real life are random individuals able to interrupt your conversations with friends and like-minded people without being told to fuck off or punched in the face? People like you keep peddling this idea that we're all supposed to 'meet in the middle' at all times with bigots that think we don't deserve human rights, or else we're the bad ones. Fuck off, what does the 'middle' of respecting rights or not respecting rights even look like. And real life doesn't fucking work like that anyway.

I would not hang out with inbred supremacist 'alpha' fucking idiots even if you paid me. And I would not welcome them into my home or my social circles. You're free to speak but that doesn't mean that I have to fucking listen.

[-] Zero22xx 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Immediately thought of this:

“I think something's wrong with me. I make friends, then suddenly I can't bear to be with any of them. Seems like that other me, the cheerful and honest one, went away somewhere.”

- Kiki, from Kiki's Delivery Service

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Yeah that's been one of the funniest parts to watch. It's been moderators versus admins but not users versus admins. Personally I think it's a pretty simple concept that the instance rules come first, then the community rules. I'm not surprised by anything I'm seeing or hearing on the admin side because I think it's pretty clear what to expect when you enter the place and read the sidebar.

[-] Zero22xx 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Is that really the same thing though? Just for a random example of the first actor that popped in my head, Chloe Grace Moretz probably doesn't have as big a social media following as Skibidi Kid or whereas I could probably find random people in the streets in the 3rd world country that I live in if I just had to start bringing up her name without any further details. Whereas Skibidi Kid is only known by the other Skibidi kids on that particular platform and probably won't even be a big deal next year, like Dab Kid.

I used to see people express the same sentiment towards YouTubers and it's the same deal there IMO. SaltyPeeDrinker or whatever might cause a big ruckus in certain circles on the internet and have a bunch of incel fans but outside of the internet and in the real world, nobody actually gives a fuck. Not in remotely the same way as with movie stars, music stars, sports stars etc. These people aren't that important or significant, they're just another feature of online brainrot.

Edit: I feel like online 'content' creators are related to actors and musicians in the same way that AI art is related to human art or reality TV is related to Breaking Bad.

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