[-] Zero22xx 10 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

And now they're apparently starting to set up shop on Lemmy too. Before I blocked it, I saw they're on their best behaviour too. But mark my words, once the dating and flirting period is over, their shoes are going to come off and their feet are going to be up on the table.

I would've hoped that by now everyone would've learnt their lesson to never trust or listen to these people again. They flat out lie when they're talking about things like 'freedom' and once they're in power, they serve themselves and fuck over everyone else in society. And their leaders, that they don't mind associating with and supporting are a bunch of inbred kiddie fiddlers and have been since long before Trump. And yet here we are again, letting them have a seat at the table.

These people cannot be fucking trusted. And I'm willing to bet that they're going to be a source of a lot of downvote trolling too, in queer communities and women-centric communities.

[-] Zero22xx 10 points 3 weeks ago


Well I mean, all of the trans communities are on an instance with downvotes disabled for a reason. This place is 'left wing' when it comes to Trump but when it comes to LGBTQ+ issues, feminism or even discussion about religion, I have my doubts about how 'left wing' people here really are.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 3 weeks ago

Judging this guy by the rest of the company he's in as far as these Cybertrucks go, I wonder how "open to differences" he is towards other people.

[-] Zero22xx 10 points 3 weeks ago

In the '80s and '90s, everything these people didn't like was 'satanic'. Then that nonsense seemed to disappear for about a decade. Until those people returned with updated terminology that makes them look like 'free speech' warriors to all the kids and not the dogmatic psychos that they are.

So since then we've gone from SJW to woke to now DEI. But it's always been the same fucking people, or types of people, that told me that all the cartoons I watch and music I listen to was 'evil' and 'satanic' when I was a kid.

I actually almost fell for the SJW thing myself back in the day. I was circling that drain. Until I opened my eyes and saw the company that I was in. Since then I've been borderline 'SJW' myself because fuck those people.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 3 weeks ago

You're never going to overcome the moral stain of instead voting for someone who also supports genocide, and works to take people's human rights away, and wants to destroy everything from the public education system to humanitarian causes, and wants to drill for oil everywhere and fill the skies with smoke, and and and and.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Uh, I thought that was already made clear when Facebook decided they needed to remove fact checking in order for right wing voices to be heard. For anyone without functional ears and eyes and brains to have been able to see how these people operate long before, that is.

[-] Zero22xx 10 points 1 month ago

You have to use an LP and play it backwards for the portals to open or else it won't work.

[-] Zero22xx 10 points 1 month ago

Personally, I still haven't started judging users by the instance that they made their profile on. Unless there's right wing instances but in that case I'm guessing they're de-federated from my current experience. I prefer to go by what I'm reading from an individual user or the vibe in a particular community. When you browse instances on the join page, there's no cliff notes on the turf wars between them. So a lot of users are signing up based on the written description.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

It would be cool if the massive and influential conspiracy crowd that you guys have there would ever pick up and run with anything painting the right wing in a bad light, to the same extent they get excited about secret pizza messages. Almost as if the whole conspiracy theorist scene is manufactured and controlled by firestarters that thank all of the dumb pieces of shit for their gullibility and for looking the other way whenever it looks like the conspiracy might be coming from inside the building.

[-] Zero22xx 9 points 1 month ago

I hope that James Gunn keeps this shit up throughout the DCU and the next few years, personally. Peacemaker also had some good hearty doses of shitting on white supremacist types, so it seems to be his thing.

[-] Zero22xx 10 points 1 month ago

Firstly the obligatory disclaimer that I'm not American, just someone that has been watching this unfold on the same world wide web that we all use.

Maybe I'm too radical but I would say fully. Whether they want a white christian nationalist country or just wanted cheaper eggs. Because that first thing was never a hidden objective, it was clear from the start. We had people who find secret illuminati pizza messages on bathroom walls take one look at Project 2025, an actual real conspiracy and go "doesn't look like anything to me".

So whether they're true right wingers, conspiracy theorists, or people that closed their eyes and ears and hearts while convincing themselves that this was all about cheaper groceries; I'd say they're all equally to blame.

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